White House spokesman Jay Carney today defended the Obama Administration’s policy of drone assassinations in a press conference, while dodging specific questions about the Justice Department memo which lays out the ever-broadening standard for those killings.
Carney insisted that President Obama takes killing people seriously, and that all killings are done with “utmost care,” adding that it is his belief that such killings are “legal, they are ethical, and they are wise.”
Carney would only cite authorization from Congress for general War on Terror operations as a justification for the killings, insisting repeatedly that they “save American lives,” in spite of the memo saying such killings were sometimes carried out when there was no evidence of a specific plot in the works.
The Obama Administration has repeatedly defended overseas killings in general on nebulous grounds of “self defense,” while insisting that any comments on any specific killings were impossible because of “national security.”
National Security, noun. Concept evoked when normal people wouldn't agree that some undisclosed action or activity is either legal or ethical. C.f. also National Interest.
You get that all wrong
Lets start with something a lot simpler : the mere fact that we accept "Killing and moral" in the same sentence is mind blowing ……
No Killing is moral … it maybe justified ; but not MORAL – EVER !!!!
"Utmost care"? I suppose Dr. Mengele did the same.
Jay Carney: the ugly, sick, twisted spokesman for the Psychopathic Serial-Killer-in-Chief.
Only a perverted madman could think such killing is legal, ethical and wise.
When you have sociopaths like Yoo, Bybee, and Addington creating justifications for morally bankrupt practices, how can you be surprised when those in power use those unchallenged rulings to do whatever they want to do. When the day comes that they bring the jackboots down on the necks of the common man, they'll reach back and use stuff like that to make it all legal – and moral – and wise.
USA what a sick Nation you are ! No wonder Non-Americans dislike (hate) you so much !
Theo – yes…but don't kid yourself that we are alone in the world. And remember that there is a difference between many of a country's citizens and the government supposedly representing them. The general misconception regarding a representative government is that those elected actually care what their constituents think and that the constituents concerns play a part in the elected's governing actions. They usually don't.
Very well said…and unfortunately very true !
What a sickening statement by the White house !
I wonder how the USA would react if China was sending her drones over to America to kill all "Anti- Chinese" dissidents in the name of National Security…..
Jay's a good little sociopath.
Well I guess that settles it then. This is like when the police investigate themselves and declare themselves innocent since everyone followed procedure.
Carney the White House Gopher is doing his job. "War is peace, slavery is freedom, and blah blah blah…"
However, his bullsh*t still smells like bullsh*t.
Up until this point I had my doubts but Jay Carney has set me at ease. I mean, do we need anything more? Someone shoot me.
When will the world demand the return of the Nobel Peace Prize that was awarded to Obama early in his presidency? There has been no indication that his actions ever lead to a greater peace. His and America's love for their war machine is paramount and his continuation of extrajudicial killings along with the colateral damages make him a murderer.
This will be turned on American citizens on American soil. All power drifts toward tyranny
How ethical is it to drone kill a 16 years old boy?
So much BS all over. Anything goes and we take it all.
Obama's white house is among the scariest, ever.
Not only the white house sending people a warning.., yet such matter been a habit of white house for last 60 years.., being at war all the time is killing people, drone killing "technology" is yet another way in killing people, the policy helping tyrants and their barbarians is killing people, helping apartheid regimes is killing people, creating more and more homeless people is yet another way killing people…, so the killing has become a culture of those who think that killings is ethical, "wise" and legal.., question is when they are going to stop this bad habit of theirs.., I tell you when.., when the vulture capitalism culture is no longer rules.
Resistance is futile. Ours is not to discern the Masters. Final Empire F@ck Y@h!
the united states of mordor knows no parameters to its nefarious deeds…
The kinder, more gentle Bush Warmonger.
The O Admin is just not as arrogant and belligerent and they are better at couching their language in terms that makes liberals feel good about supporting their boy's attempt to solve American problems thru major applications of violence.
Wall Street Fraud
Don't most all murdering psychopaths have an excuse?
Stupid and odious and very much immoral,illegal and they are by definition war crimes and crimes against humanity. One day just as what happened at at Nuremberg where other war criminals were tried, all these wise and ethical people will be court as defendants…
Frogs on Boil with a Case of the Gas Chamber Syndrome…
by michael hall
Da red white and blue flying high and majestic
the clean-cut troops so young and strong fighting for their country
what a meiotic service for gold they march and perform…but for whom?
if our enemy is ferocious why do we kill their women and children over there and they never come here?
Tell me america, what afghan has ever bombed your town?
what afghan terrorist has ever broke down the door to your home terrorizing you and your family?
what afghan soldier has ever killed your sister brother son or mother by bullet bomb or drone in your own neighborhood?
why do you do to them what you came here and did so long ago so consistently?
Everyone over here supports the troops…so they would need you to believe
everyone within worships the military like it was a sinless unquestionable demi-god
everyone is expected to obediently blindly support without question
everyone in the usa needs to find out what is done in their name
Where is the Iraqi child walking the streets in his home who ever did you harm?
what Iraqi woman wondering what dreams will manifest in her life ever fired a tank shell at your town then giggled on video?
which Iraqi man has ever come over here to militarily occupy your nation since you posses what he craves?
why did you terrorize and occupy for so many years at the price of your soul?
For just like good german villagers in Bavaria back in 43
living oblivious to the horror in the smoke coming from the ovens just over the next hill
a white rose roared to wake up the sleep pretenders but were guillotined for daring to alight conscience
70 years later a whistleblower here in the land of the free who did the same thing might suffer the same fate
Do you have any idea concerning the sickening suffering that your support inflicts?
do you know the numbers or the names of the dead, of the wounded, of the orphans…do you even care?
i wish i could see all the names of everyone who has suffered from usa military
float down from the sky on a piece of paper on every school, on every church, every town and government office in the good ol' united states of mordor
Ah but of course you've absolved yourself of responsibility & accountability so such an act would faze few
for you've anointed yourself a good christian, an exceptional, an indispensable city on the hill
you have an untouchable conduct code, a civic compass & always the impeccable moral high ground
collateral residue your taxes pay for as a condolence payment & its blood money but does it really pay?
The anguish you inflict is beyond any justification at any level for any reason
the agony of xenophobic abuse you support with fireworks &hot dogs is a shackle & chain you must bear
the cost of your sins will reverberate through time and your nation will be synonymous with evil
the suffering you ignore is the price your kids will pay
You're manipulated by manufactured fear
you're dissonant frogs slowly being boiled in your own excretion
you're a battery, bled milked cheated and above all, lied to
you're a empire of pompous consuming locust who are afflicted by the Gas Chamber Syndrome…
Dulce Et Decorum Est III & A Taste of Armageddon
(or the empire has no clothes but a disposition matrix)
by michael hall
In due homage to Horace, Owen and Mikhail i humbly nod
for how sweet & glorious it must be to kill or die for God & country by pompous duty with dishonor
so c'mon kiddies, any up for good jingo sport?
who’s hungry & poor, who wants to play the hubris 'anything for profit' killing game?
As effusively embedded newspapers rah rah their pied pier patriotism with journalistic integrity & objectivity ha ha!
as a new battle lies just around the corner & armed forces day just weeks away hooray!
rally loyal citizens to whitewash warm innocuous blood off disgraced musket & sullied polluted flag
strike up the marching parade manifested by destiny down main street usa hey hey!
Awaken & open thine eyes chauvinistic folk, come & see your overseas deeds of nefarious brutality
given that your liable for this appalling tax-paid violence you've exported to hamlets & villages on human beings
assaulting families who've never did you any harm in lands you've never heard of, nor care less for
so step on up, one & all, for everyone here is accountable & responsible for this odious debacle
Take a trip to the overflowing morgues filled with small smashed bodies, once were toddlers full of laughter & life
deeply inhale the rancid stench of scorched flesh crispy burnt to a black bubbly mass by phosphorus
gaze into doll dead eyes frozen forever by shock & awe renditioned via your God blessed terror raining down
from atop a cold gurney a stiff finger of a tiny hand amidst a pile of mangled flesh is pointing at you war supporters
Watch as grief-stricken fathers zombie-wander in shattered silence
sifting through ragged debris & devastating destruction searching for lost sons & missing daughters
discovering ripped wet mangled body parts strewn out as pieces of a human jig-saw puzzle
taking home the ear, the hand, the foot to be quietly buried while 6000 miles away 'heroes' giggle & dub this 'bugsplat'
Harken to the heart-piercing shrieks as soul-torn asunder mothers wail like howling wild animals
as they find their loves buried, broken & bloody in the rubble of your glorious works
then if you can, please explain to the unresponsive moaning neonatal orphan
why your armed forces just murdered his parents…by accident, then wave a condolence payment in his face
Celebrate as your special op-forces silently & quickly dig our bullets from civilian bodies
to cover their tracks from being at the wrong address…again
declare as a holiday murdered women at a bridal shower or when 4 kids are droned to smithereens while tending sheep
rejoice in exported evil exploits as great american victories for which your war crimes always are
Trust flim-flam, the PR propaganda spin from your MSM complicit mouthpiece
praise your taxes which finances anglo-terrorism through illegal & immoral aggressive violence
raise your false flag ever higher to cover the rising pile where the butchered lie
however dear good christian citizens, do not trust that any civic rag could ever soar over the sick slaying of the innocent
Consider Fallujha surrounded & caged, then the cowering cringing unarmed civilian inhabitants
shot, burned & barbequed like slaughtered sitting ducks in a ‘free-fire zone’ shooting gallery
ponder upon your sanctimonious attack at a school in Bajour where 69 children are massacred by joystick
this is Sand Creek, Wounded Knee, My Lai, Haditha, & other mass-media contorted & distorted great triumphs
which to no doubt in my mind, the next war crime called a ‘battle’ will be anointed too, of course, ta! ta!
white roses flutter from above…
Just another day in der loyal homeland
when the unfaultable troopers are, without a figment of dissent, honored as untouchable gods
in every school at all the churches awash in perpetual patriotic self-praise at the pied piper parades
at each & every sporting event every time over & over, piled upon more &more until you snap to nationalistic attention automatically
& its always the same self-deluding gratuitous perpetual grandstanding xenophobic bs
Stars will be spangled & the band will be playing as tears gush from pious eyes
eloquent speeches full of bravado & glory for hired guns who execute the bidding of the opulent oligarchy
sobs streaming with prideful gratefulness amplified by thunderous clapping
just as the warriors arrive mechanically clutching their soldiers hearts
stoic & resolute as toy soldiers always are
red-eyes raised high to the flag whilst under crackling boots broken little bodies called bugsplat crunch
the little school children set up in the front row like cannon fodder bowling pins lined up for the next frame
as one synchronized complicit machine good obedient citizens stand to pledge
and it looks so mechanically precise very snake-oiled shined indeed
waving majestically untouched above the rule of law the red & white and blue so pure & true
the monotone response with nary a dissent or discord as they speak as one
they pledge blind obedience to a most cruel deception
just as the patriotic explosion reached its climatic crescendo
something happens that no one could foresee or anticipate
a horn sounded from high above & then white pieces of paper start fluttering from the blue sky
they shimmered as they twinkled & spun like stars on a dark night
gently, quietly spun and descended
each & everyone a name of a victim of a child that these heroes killed
Hundreds came down
thousands upon thousands
a rolling blizzard of papyrus and silk as it slowly piled to the ankles #& then the thigh, higher and higher
every forgotten name from every decimated nation, every Mexican who was murdered defending his land every freedom fighting flillipino,every viet, every afghan, Iraqi, Yemenis, Paki kid slaughtered for freedom
so many kids from so many lands & they kept falling as they kept rising from the floor
every non soldier from every land where the American military has slaughtered for profit, plunder & policy for national interests every child, every orphan, every crippled son & daughter
names in blood as red as red could be
upon each & everyone a photograph of each and everyone
every child, mother, sister brother father cousin uncle & aunt of those who suffered from the military
silence hushed the crowds as the horn note played on an on was never faltering, never wavering
Then as the last piece fell, as a great silence screamed from the past into the present
you could just discern the gentle sobbing of a school girl
a cry of shame, horror, pain for all the victims that surrounded her, reached for her, touched her
as she slowly laboriously raised her head and looked out the school window
a blue sign caught her eye and she read; 'war is not the answer'
next she softly wept more….she wept for the children, she wept for the solders, she wept for the victims of militarism, she wept for the cost of the colossal lie she now saw through with the lucid sight of a child
then without fanfare she prayed for a better day when people would war no more & especially worship no more the warrior and the violence they achieve
but she wept & prayed quietly for she was afraid of what others would say
Next day the newspapers headlined; 'Great Terrorist Attack from the Sky'
the president called for heads to roll of course as usual congress rolled too but on its back
anyone caught with any of the notes was subject to indefinite detention by secretive executive order
all the notes were assembled confiscated shredded then burned in a great bonfire at the white house
for homeland security, for national interests & to protect and ensure the American way of life
the military was sent all over the world to bomb terrorize, rendition, imprison & drone those responsible
But one little school girl named Sophie talked with her friends as they hid in secret
they stared at their crumbled notes with the names of the innocent murdered children
in the dark with a flashlight hidden in the closet they whispered, sniffed and conspired
they made a pact that one day some day as they grew up
all the notes were going to be in every school book, in every locker, in every pew in the land…..
on each and every note in the upper corner
the emblem of the white rose next to the child's photograph…
The Slaughter of the Children Drones On & On & On & On
When the drones are slaughtering innocent children in your name
do you bother to get concerned even when on your knees on Sunday?
or do you just stick your head in the sand blindly support the troops & just not think about whose to blame
if you care i have list of their names and ages i could give you from the depths of an odious jingo game
Do your wonder if your joystick violence is really doing any good
or do you get the feeling that something is very wrong & your getting spun & fooled
how can you support exported terrorism when your sworn to defend against it
how can you donate freedom &democracy when its getting stolen from under you by E/O
Every bullet bought is a loaf of bread stolen from the belly of the hungry
& your self-praising charity checkbook fad doesn't seem to dent the starvation
if you spent 2.2 million everyday since Jesus was born
you would have spent what your nation purchased on the military just last year
Do you wonder why your schools don't have books & pencils
why your bridges are crumbling down & the roads are potholed like Swiss cheese
while your politicians live in mansions with 5-star chefs lapping at life-long luxury
then again today they announced another bone-cut to the needy, homeless and disabled
How could anyone with a shred of conscience bow before a flag without bending over with nausea
knowing underneath it the killing of the innocent is a weekly act in nations we are not at war with
that after a hit. the gang fires off another drone when medics & rescuers come to the scene of destruction
we've forgotten what we stand for by the very deeds we toe-tag and their is no rationalization
Now we know by special executive decree memo called a 'white paper'
the Nobel Peace prize holder president has the power to murder americans beyond the law
it is solely up to the president when it comes to life and death and it is all a hush-hush secret
change we can be deceived has shown the articulate sheep to be but a child-eating wolf
Anyone who murders children by drone and then jokes about it is a sociopath
a leader who becomes a serial killer justifies by secret edicts he wont share with his employers is a despot
expansion and consolidation of extreme power will one day target you and yours
For what goes on abroad in your name will backblow as it comes around to get you tomorrow
Just south of key west at Guantanamo every law, principle and value you hold dear is smashed
across the pond the most nefarious crimes are done in your name with your support
and yet at home you bury your head deep in the sand far from the massive contradiction
your heart bleeds for Newton yet when your troops do the exact same thing you raise a flag & a stiff arm
For what profits an empire when they can envelop the world and dominate it
yet in the process they loose their values, principles and in so doing their very soul
still atonement must be rectified somewhere at some time
and this is the dream that i dream someday will be;
For all the innocent children who've been the victim of the american military machine
i would gladly see each and everyone of them walk by in front of every war supporter and soldier
to deeply gaze into the eyes and say with conviction, question and horror;
Why did you murder me?
"The greater the state, the more wrong and cruel its patriotism, and the greater is the sum of suffering upon which its power is founded" – Leo Tolstoy
"When rich people fight wars with one another, poor people are the ones to die." – Jean Paul Sartre 1905-1980 French philosopher
Terrorism is the price of empire. If you do not wish to pay the price, you must give up the empire" – Patrick J. Buchanan – Where the Right Went Wrong
ethical and wise unlike the occupant of the white house
No drone murder can be said to have been done with 'utmost care'. The chances for collateral killings is too risky fo that claim to have any weight.
Ethical? Certainly not. But htne, we're talking to the United States the most narcissistic, hypocritical government outside of Israel. Well, perhaps not, since most of the men making these decisions are citizens of both countries…