Syrian forces have stormed the offices of two top Hamas officials in Damascus, and have also raided the apartment of Hamas political chief Khaled Mashaal, who has already fled the country. Troops confiscated Mashaal’s cars and seized equipment from the offices.
The raids reflect the breakdown in relations between Hamas and their former patrons in the Assad regime. Hamas leaders left Damascus nearly a year ago, citing the civil war, but left security to guard the offices and retain considerable support in Syria’s refugee camps.
Syrian state media, for its part, has lashed Hamas, terming Mashaal “ungrateful and traitorous” in a recent media report. Though the leadership is out of Syria’s reach, mostly in Qatar and the Gaza Strip, there is concern that a crackdown against Hamas backers in the camps could begin, and that the regime may even consider mass expulsion of refugees.
Syrian officials have been warning Palestinians against joining the rebellion, but as the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) continues to pour weapons into the camps, there is increasing factional fighting among the camp’s pro-Assad leadership and more rebel sympathetic groups.
More propaganda and subsequent Kool-Aid lap-up…as usual…
So Ditz: if Hamas, including Mr. Khaled Mashaal, voluntarily 'abandoned' (i.e. 'pulled out of'/'left') Damascus in JANUARY of this year (2012), why are they (Hamas) all of a sudden 'concerned' about what is happening in Damascus, Syria in November of 2012? Perhaps the January "rent" check is 10 months late…who knows…
Direct quote #1 from one of the sourced linked articles:
"Hamas leaders abandoned the Damascus headquarters in January 2012…
…Hamas spokesman Salah Bardawil told the daily that the Syrian forces sealed the offices with red wax but that had no real affect, since the offices had been shut for months…"…
Direct quote # 2 of another sourced article:
"In an editorial aired late Monday, Syrian TV said Khaled Mashaal, who pulled Hamas' headquarters out of Damascus early this year, had abandoned the resistance movement against Israel and the United States."…
This second article is where the 'quote' you reference: “ungrateful and traitorous” is included earlier in the article (specifically the preceding paragraph); however, this so-called 'quote' does not seem to be in quotation ("") marks–indicating it is 'editorializing'; rather than something "Syrian State Media" actually said…as you lead to believe (which you very well might believe)…
So…what exactly is the "story" now??? According some elusive Hamas 'officials', they (Hamas) have 'suspicion" of impending mass deportations of Palestinians from Syria by the Syrian government???
How convenient, credible, and 'newsworthy'…
Perhaps you should contact the "National Enquirer"? "Inquiring 'minds'" might want to 'know' this….