In a speech seen as a major rebuke to the West in general and the Obama Administration in particular, Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned the trend toward violent regime change in the Middle East, saying that they are only leading to further unrest.
“Violence only begets violence,” Putin added, urging the international community to unite in favor of calming tensions across the region and supporting negotiations instead of bloody civil wars like the one ongoing in Syria.
The comments come after President Obama’s speech calling for the world to stand with Syria‘s rebels and see to it that President Assad was eventually forced from office. Russia is allied with Assad and was also critical of last year’s NATO war against Libya.
Russia’s warnings have particular currency now after an attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi earlier this month, with several Russian officials pointing out that they had warned imposing regime change in the country would not lead to stabilization.
So you're suggesting that Putin, and indirectly, the Russian people, have no issue with a leader killing his own people and violating international law? I can not believe that the Russian people would ever condone such a thing.
We teach our children to concept of accountability for their actions. Why should leaders be exempt from that? Assad is causing more violence and death than any action to remove him would cost. If Assad is in the right, then he should have no problem allowing the ICC to investigate his claims, but he is not doing that. Instead, he continues to kill and destroy.
The Russian people I know would never stand for the continued violence and death and destruction going on in Syria.
The people illegaly fighting in Syria are backed by American weapons.Do you think an American president would ever leave office without a fight LOL.A huge majority of Syrians want no regime change and are on Assads side.Also many fighter involved in this civil war are not Syrian and America and others involving itself in civil wars is illegal under international laws.Israel is the country in need of investigation for many things incl;uding their illegal nucular weapons that I belive was p[art of the reason for JFKs death.He was inspecting the nucular facilitys but Israel had them hid under ground.He also wanted to get rid of the CIA,when murderd his VP did the exact opposite of what JFK was doing and what international law called for.You are brainwashed or a Zionist warmonger.
Thanks for posting this. Today I watched Al Jazeera documentary film about Vladimir Putin's corruption titled 'People & Power: In Search of Putin's Money'. I recommend you to watch this, if you didn't watch yet.…