Several Yemeni human rights groups have publicly condemned the US drone strikes against their nation today, calling on the Hadi government to repudiate the attacks and urging the US to stop killing civilians.
Seyaj Organization for Childhood Protection reported four children killed in Rada’a by a drone strike, and a number of other civilians wounded. They urged officials to ensure that the civilian victims of the attack received treatment.
All told, 29 people have been killed in the last 8 days in US drone attacks, with at least 11 of them now confirmed to be civilians. Several others, identified only as suspects, were tribesmen and will likely never be identified.
Also among the victims was Salem bin Ali Jaber, a moderate Sunni cleric with no ties to any militant group. He died in one of the August 29 strikes, according to the Association of Southern Provinces Clerics.
Yeah, that fixed them.