Tensions between various Asian countries have been on the rise over territorial disputes and Washington keeps sticking its nose in where it doesn’t belong in an attempt to undercut its global competitor, China.

Late last year, President Obama announced a strategic shift into Asia-Pacific. This so-called ‘Asia pivot’ is an aggressive policy that involves surging American military presence throughout the region – in the Philippines, Japan, Australia, Guam, South Korea, Singapore, etc. – and backing basically all of China’s rivals.
The disputed territories center on the great potential for natural resources surrounding several island chains and control over some of the world’s most highly trafficked shipping lanes.
The US has mutual defense agreements with countries like the Philippines, which came very close to squabbling with China over these territorial conflicts in the South China Sea. Last week, the Pentagon announced it would conduct surveillance drone missions over a Pacific island chain called the Diaoyutai Islands, which have become the focal point of a simmering territorial dispute between China and Japan, who Washington also has deep military ties to.
New war strategies floating around the Pentagon are being referenced in this new Asia-pivot called “Air-Sea Battle,” which reveal Washington’s broader goals in the region and illustrate how a war with China – which the US apparently yearns for – would play out.
“Stealthy American bombers and submarines would knock out China’s long-range surveillance radar and precision missile systems located deep inside the country,” reports theWashington Post. ”The initial ‘blinding campaign’ would be followed by a larger air and naval assault.”
Chinese officials have not appreciated this unprovoked bellicosity. In May the Chinese Defense Ministry accused the Pentagon of hyping a Chinese military threat out of thin air. Others have said these Pentagon moves could start an arms race.
“If the U.S. military develops Air-Sea Battle to deal with the [People’s Liberation Army], the PLA will be forced to develop anti-Air-Sea Battle,” one officer, Col. Gaoyue Fan, said last year in a debate sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a defense think tank.
A recent report from the Center for Strategic International Studies predicted that next year “could see a shift in Chinese foreign policy based on the new leadership’s judgment that it must respond to a US strategy that seeks to prevent China’s reemergence as a great power.”
“Signs of a potential harsh reaction are already detectable,” the report said. “The US Asia pivot has triggered an outpouring of anti-American sentiment in China that will increase pressure on China’s incoming leadership to stand up to the United States. Nationalistic voices are calling for military countermeasures to the bolstering of America’s military posture in the region and the new US defense strategic guidelines.”
What makes them think the Chinese are going to stay on their side of the Pacific if war breaks out?
Washington been aggravating the world for last 60 years, Washington is not about democracy nor is a school of democracy, for humankind sake, the white house is in Washington, the house of US democracy and its double moral illiterate double language about democracy is there , senator Rockefeller, senator Kerry, Feinstein, Barbara boxer and many like these business man and women are there, the entire Roman hypocrisy and Roman democracy is in Washington.., hail the Cesar every four years.., there is no democracy in Washington.., or what is left of it.
So, you are so bias to the U.S. and only sees what the U.S. is doing. Behind all of these, do you see why? don't you fear what is communism in the modern times? This is the same modus operandi of those believers in the old days. World domination when people are supressed in all perspectives. Now tell me if people are really supress in a democratic way of life.
Deceiving its own people with reality, cover-up dirty politics as …and so on, coercion and using force, using history to assert claims to smaller countries, tell me is this fair.
Yes, I see and I also read the history, I see a falsified democracy orchestrated by Washington under the pretence of being the world master in lying about democracy, wanting for world to be dominated by Washington falsifications, I see the killing of people by US and English mercenaries – militarism by acting as the defender of freedom while people lose their freedom by being murdered by the elite of destruction, I see this democracy being an instrument for the rich to get richer while “saved” people are becoming more and into capitalism social economic traps “working" as slaves. I am not a communist but if I was I would rather help the concept then acting as fool by pretending that all the wrong doing harming democracy itself by lying about the wrong doing.,
Falsified matters are the fact in domination no matter the philosophy or what the matter is about b, so why not a "falsified democracy” to become the “savior" of the world against “communism” which never existed and if in practical terms did then it is not a damn business of US senate or David Cameron of England to dicid what people are or how they need to live their life.
Communist or Socialism, Al Queda or Jihadist and all other boogieman – elements always been a reason for US to start a war for last 60 years, these matters have become yet another delusional matter describing the Syrian war as war against communist while Hillary Clinton and English David Cameron – US allies helping the boogieman, or having a military base in South East Pacific islands is a way of defending the 500 people living there. Having said that, the word democracy is about people and such concept need to work for people not the other way around, just social economic is the base for such matter, social justice is another, protecting the rights of people in terms of their political and economic is yet another, no one is above the law is yet another, living people and their country alone, defending people rights against fascism is yet another, Israel is a product of US and EU and is a fascist regime, have you ever seen any act by the US or for that matter EU capitalism governments to condemn Israel wanting to prosecute the regime for war crime and act against humanity…?
Have you ever seen the US senate in action against Saudi Arabia and its brutal regime, as many other countries that US and EU capitalist regime-system is cooperating with, have you ever seen any of the democratic elites in the US senate standing up for peace around the world…? The concept that US is about democracy is nothing but for these people to fool the concept and principals of democracy by pretending that US and EU is about democracy. So all that US police brutality is about communism…? So US has become a police state a militarized social system wanting to save the Americans by shooting them…? You want democracy you start by shoveling your own backyard.
No, sh*t Sherlock! Show me one disputed that if the US hasn't outright caused it, they haven't aggravated. And China should take heed and stop giving money to the US with which to cause more trouble for China and the rest of the world. China has a simple and peaceful solution in their hands: stop giving these f*ckers money! The Chinese are idiots for not exercising it.
China would give the US a beatdown of monumental proportions. US aircraft carriers, submarines, and stealth planes are all ripe for the picking. This beatdown may begin if the US ever attacks Iran for which China has said this would never be tolerated. The US may have lots of weapons, but it does not win war's which is why in any conventional confrontation China will eat Uncle Sam's lunch!