For the Obama Administration, the question of whether or not to back the Syrian rebels in their ongoing civil war was answered a long time ago. Now comes a much more complex problem for them: who even are the rebels?
Military defectors, exiled politicians and even al-Qaeda wannabes are all present, and each sees themselves as the real mouthpiece of the rebels. The US is set to endorse the rebels as the new regime in Syria, but before they can properly impose that regime on the Syrian people they will need to figure out who they are and more importantly who their leader is.
Its more complicated than it sounds. Both the Syrian National Council (SNC) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have designs on being the “real rebels” in Syria, and even within the FSA there are a number of generals and colonels who consider themselves the “real commander” of the FSA.
Efforts at overseas meetings for the rebel blocs have been exercises in futility, as several refuse to attend and some claim others are secretly conspiring with Assad. Some groups seek negotiations leading to elections, while others spurn the idea, demanding to be immediately installed by the international community.
US diplomats are frustrated by the lack of a credible rebel “leadership” to talk to and, ideally, to buy off. This doesn’t seem to be having any impact on their determination to endorse the rebels, but has them pushing for the rebel blocs to “build bridges” between one another, hoping that someone will eventually emerge who can govern in a way that will satisfy the administration.
To make the long story short: The US has trouble identifying our “bastards” from their “bastards”.
"The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said”.
They don't need to identify the “rebels” because there is no such thing as rebels, there are bandits, thieves, murderous, terrorist and barbarians funded by Saudis and UAE and Turkey, helped by Hillary Clinton, French Hollandes, the Cameron of England, the Swedish neo fascism and US recognizing them.., that is enough for US and EU to have a case starting a war and thats what they are after, now Israel needs to show itself wanting to size the "sophisticated weapons” in Syria. They don't say where it is or what it is but they are eager to help out. Look people: you are facing the neo liberal fascism, they don't give a damn about you, if they had they wouldn't lie to you, they wouldn't say one thing and doing another, the emperor is dead, what is left is his militarism regime and thats what you are facing.
It seems that not only the US is confused, but so is Jason Ditz. As a gesture towards and in the interests of the readership who are, in all certainty, equally confused I post a couple of links so that you can inform yourselves:……
Wow, Regime Change, who knew?
Both Knessets in US and Israel know, that as long as terrorism stays active in Syria…nothing is lost.
Their open support with weapons and material continues….I only hope Russia stays the ground and even extends its position….Id like to see Russia and Iran entered into Open Military allience for start, or Internacional Zionism will destroy World and establish their "Satanic NWO" peter czech
What else is new?? With the billions in intelligence expenditures we still have no idea or sense of direction……
Harper's has a long article from a journalist who got to spend time both in Turkey with the emigrè rebels and in Syria, with more localized resistance to Assad. He makes it clear that the people 'on the ground' getting the worst of it have no respect for the groups the US is talking to. Documents the whole folly of US diplomacy, which again is getting gamed by con artists who meet US assumptions about what a promising technocrat leader would look like, but have no source of power in the country. Backing any of the groups talking to the US is likely to bring civil war and humiliation for America after an involvement which only served to maximize the damages.
And the Band Played "Believe It If You Can".
Since the leadership WORKED for them in Washington in various "democracy promoting" organisations clustered around the NED, State Dept. and DoD in senior positions ,it beggars belief they don't know who they are, particulaly as they are still working for them.
This is a Destabilisation with generously funded of Jihadist fundamentalist paramilitaries they are also fully aware of who they are as well.
So, they don't know who they are giving the orders to over the satellite links from their covert HQ's
Clearly Ronaldr Ragan's political tactic of never being able to remember anything ,,"I don't remember" ,has been revived by Obama.
What a truth-covering headline!
US government does very well know who are the rebels. They are controlling them and do this very successfully since 1995 in Yugoslavia, Bosnia/Kosovo, in the Iraq Shia uprise, in Libya and now in Syria.
See Libya sources:
Ex-CIA officer: Braindead West wants Jihadists to rule Libya:
Top French defense expert:
At 3:50: USA they "have a secret agreement with the Jihadists: YOU GET THE SHARIA AND WE GET THE OIL" reporter from Libya:
13:20 NTC people told me, it was the USA who brought in Al Qaida. Libyans do not want the islamists, but the US wants them and is controlling them.
in another interview he even named the Hotel in Bengazi, where the upper floor were completely occupided by USA and NATO secret services and did command and organize media and military activities from there. Big ships from Qatar provided pick-ups, any type of weapon and even tanks and undercover mercenaries for the war. The same now killing in Syria too.
SYRIA: Saudi admitting "Revolution" heavily armed from the Start ! ( BBC, April 2012 )
NATO caught sending 150 Tons of Weapons to Al-Qaeda and Terrorist Extremists in Syria.
Syria – Clinton's Army of Muslim Terrorists Unleashed (Again)
Syrian Girl – Why Al Qaeda is Al CIAda
I guess Jason Ditz even does not know the background of the whole list of wars USA has planned and does conduct now:
1. USA did plan war against Syria long ago:–Z3lvaQ
more detailed:there is a time window of 5-10- or more years "for war against former soviet client states" in the middle East and North-Africa withouot Soviet intervention:
2. "peaceful unarmed civilians were armed from the beginning:
Advanced US anti-tank weapons from war lord Obama to its Syrian terrorists:
3. US-organized fake revolutions:
4. what happens in Syria is an "us army unconventional warfare" USA wars, are fake "humanitarian wars" and work this way:
Sending death squads, blame the government murderer, call the death squads freedom figthers, which than gain victory with NATO airforce by carpet bombing any resitance.
It is just a Special Forces Unconventional Warfare (UW):
The intent of U.S. Unconventional Warfare efforts is to exploit a hostile power’s political, military, economic, and psychological vulnerabilities by developing and sustaining resistance forces to accomplish U.S.strategic objectives." or: "There is another type of warfare —new in its intensity, ancient in its origin— war by guerrillas, subversives, insurgents, assassins; war by ambush instead of by combat, by infiltration instead of aggression, seeking victory by eroding and exhausting the enemy instead of engaging him. It preys on unrest."
source: Training Circular No. 18-01, United States Army, John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, Oct. 2011, search USArmy-UW.pdf at publicintelligence. net
5. Huge majority for Assad:
6. the real "brutal dictator":
7: Media fraud:–Td_8JXYk…
Syria – ABC News (AU) expose the lies of Reuters, ABC and other Medias of the many clear involvements of foreign extremists:
Father sells his (second) son as suicid-bomber to BABA AMR in Homs, Syria: gelöscht – neu: watch?v=CcywcdZnyNw watch?v=EktowweKxfg IN ARABIC WITH ENGL. sUBS:watch?v=aXgQSKxnY3U
Syria, CIA supplies Terrorist Death Squads with Thermobaric Chemical Nuclear Weapons (New evidence that CIA and western intelligence are supplying the terrorists in Syria with shoulder fired munition containing chemical, thermobaric and radioactive warheads)
!! Lizzie Phelan about the media conspiracy against Syria watch?v=FQdG6uAZimk
0800, google the "Clean Break" Report, 1996