A new report from Human Rights Watch (HRW) says that commanders within the Syrian military ordered soldiers to use “all means necessary” to stop pro-democracy protesters in the streets.
The report cites dozens of defectors who spokes with the rights group and say they understood the order to be a call to “shoot to kill” the protesters. HRW says the orders came from the highest level of Syria’s military.
The report, called “By All Means Necessary!” also documents a number of cases of torture of political prisoners and reports of summary executions of some of the detainees while in official custody.
During an interview with ABC News last week, Syrian President Assad denied that he had any role in violence against civilian protesters, saying that there was never a policy within his office for such a crackdown and that they were “mistakes committed by some officials” in the military.
There is no such thing as "Protest" in a War Zone.
Syria is a War Zone. Protesters, like looters, are to be "Shot On Sight."
When will the United States of America become a War Zone?
When will Protest become Treason?
To answer your questions: as soon as the NDAA is signed into law, which should be occurring today.
NDAA + SOPA + USA PATRIOT = practice your "Zieg Heil" and one armed salute.
unlike the American policy of "shoot to liberate"
Ahh yes, George Soros' HRW weighs in…
The same lying outfit that fabricated from whole cloth Serbian genocide against Albanians in Kosovo…meanwhile the truth later quietly emerges that Albanians were killing Serb prisoners to sell their organs…
And what are we to make of these Syrian "protesters…?"
For weeks now this website has been regurgitating the MSM storyline about massive state violence against unarmed protesters…while the issue of state security personnel being killed in large numbers is neatly separated…
This particular writer has gone to absurd lengths to surgically separate the anti-state violence from the alleged violence on protesters…two completely unrelated issues he says…
Yesterday he said there was no "linkage" between the two…a couple of days ago he stressed that the insurgent activity was "separate" from the protest movement…
Riiiiight…that kind of nonsense is simply preposterous on its face with no need for any additional comment…such as simply pointing out the blatant and illegal foreign subversion that is going on…
Oh but foreign subversion pushing for civil war is not an issue…not for an antiwar website…?
Let me just say clearly again what matters to people who are antiwar…we do not want our leaders inciting violence in other countries…we don't care if it is in the guise of pro-democracy…democracy does not come about by violence…
And for that matter why don't we start by bringing in democracy right here at home…?…It would be a nice change from the Wall Street Oligarchy that is quite obviously in place now…with people's votes counting for nothing except to rubber stamp wholly bought for politicians who have been selected by the plutocracy before they are "elected" by the sheeple who are kept completely uninformed about anything that matters…