In comments today, an unnamed US military official termed Iran the “biggest threat to the United States and to our interests,” comments that add all the more speculation about a potential US or Israeli attack on the nation.
At the same time, the official conceded that Iran doesn’t want to provoke a conflict and that the US “don’t know” if Iran has decided to make a nuclear weapon, despite repeated allegations that they not only have decided to do so, but are nearing completion.
Of course, officials have been making those claims for years, even decades, and despite Iran always being a couple of years away from a weapon they never seem to actually complete one. To that end, the threats against Iran likewise are nothing new, and the US has been threatening to attack Iran virtually non-stop since the Iranian Revolution.
Whether or not this is the one time in the past 32 years those threats should be taken seriously, it seems certain that the threats will increase tensions across the Gulf region, and will be used by US politicians and military leaders to lobby for spending programs to aid in the war which is always about to break out.
Yea, I guess if they come up with an ocean going camel or something they could be a threat to the US.
No, just off the assembly line a nuclear power camel. When are these S— heads going to learn we are wise to them? One of these day they are going to bite off more than they can chew.
"Unnamed US military official" is talking out their ass. Blah blah blah blah threat blah blah blah blah no really.
"Unnamed" US military offical needs to put up or… SHUT THE F*@K UP!
One thing is certain: The Americans have never had such a "noose" that encircles the Iranian necks as it does today. This is what kept the Yanks back in the past. If the Chinese or Russians were to do the same to us you'd hear such a howl, but then again, hypocrisy is Washington's maiden name.
What kept them back was the existence of the now defunct Soviet Union. With no competitor, the USA was free to begin its assault on the rest of the world in earnest.
I agree. We are the evil empire now.
That "military official" belongs in a lunatic asylum. Note how the comment goes on to continue – "and its interests" – e.g. maintaining Israeli hegemony throughout the midlle east. This is an "American" interest only because of a certain ethnic lobby group.
Why does not this "military official" give his name and get credit for enlightening us. May be he should call his bosses in Isreal and ask if he can be named.
We know how Petreous and other sycophantic Generals lied on behalf of the WH and were rewarded with more stars. The best whoppers from them was the constant charge that Iran was providing all sorts of explosive charges to the Iraqi insurgents. These charges were used by Cheney to try to precipitate war against Iran, but the Joint Chiefs stopped him. They need to step in again and stop this dangerous BS.
"Iran is a threat…to our interests".
Why is it that "our interests" are never articulated? It seems "our interests" are something separate and distinct from the United States, but always mentioned as if co- equal