The first serious move after months of promised reform, the Syrian government today announced that it was ending its near 50-year ban on opposition political parties, though with a number of caveats.
The new law resembles the laws under Mubarak in Egypt, allowing opposition parties but forbidding any based on religion, region, or ethnicity. This would keep the Kurds from forming parties, as well as preventing the growing Islamist movement from doing so.
In practice this will likely keep any opposition parties secular and small. A demand that they accept the current constitution, which explicitly ensures Ba’athist rule, will also keep participation limited.
So too will months of violent crackdowns, as a number of protest movement leaders are already rejecting the new law, though surely an improvement from the old one-party system, as too little, and much too late.
These are the days of democracy made possible by Muslims Brotherhood, etnics minority or majority and people being divided by all the above made possible by Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton orchestrated by Tyrants Kingdomes regimes of Saudis and Arab Emirates blased by Israel and its US governmental office AIPAC.
To what degree one can claim true democracy in the current protesting process, is something to waite for.My fear is focused on the Muslim Brotherhood's faulse awareness that Islamic Ideologue is the answer to Arab's ailnesses.Religion as known, is but a contraversial concept that failes to grap the fact of realistic world,hence dealing with outdated solutions to modern problems.This is why seculars believe that modern societies can't be built on bases of tribal nor religious parties.I favour the prohabition of parties with religious or tribal affiliations.
If these parties are anything like the Democrats and Republicans in the US, I feel sorry for the poor people of Syria for they will be more screwed up than before.