Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Major General Richard Mills cautioned against expecting any major withdrawals from Afghanistan, insisting that any moves would be a “slow transition” and that “we don’t want to attract attention” to it.
At the same time, Gen. Mills insisted that forces had already been thinned out “significantly” in some provinces, which will come as quite a surprise considering that the overall number of NATO troops in Afghanistan has not dropped.
Rather, it seems that troops are being shuffled around to different parts of the country, with insurgents shuffling away to whichever places the occupation forces are not. Mills cautioned that “if you pull out too early, there’s a risk of the insurgency returning.”
Of course the insurgency never really left, and April of 2011 is a new record for NATO deaths in the month. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates confirmed earlier this week that no recommendations have yet been made on a July drawdown, and since he and Gen. David Petraeus will both be leaving their positions at the end of June, it is highly likely that the process will be “delayed” if not dropped altogether by the Obama Administration.
Well thick or thin,US is walking towards disaster anyway.But as an arrogent client it will make sure shedding as much blood as it can.After all it has to show the world how brave they are killing innocent people and good at occupying lands of the feebles.
GEE General Please tell the troops what their mission is , Why are they there? They dont seem to know. Where is our mighty USAF?
"Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Major General Richard Mills cautioned against expecting any major withdrawals from Afghanistan, insisting that any moves would be a “slow transition” and that “we don’t want to attract attention” to it."
General this war is seen and felt by people all over the word.., every one in this world been attracted to se why US militarism regimes doing what they are best at torturing people…,sooner you get out of it the better would be for the American working sons and daughter coming home.., that is if they are not shipped to Libya.., what do you think that would happen.., people would think that US military is coward and running away.., no General I for one would not think that.., I would honor those whom are willing to stop the killings of innocent Afghanis and Pakistanis and Iraqis.., I would honor the peace.., a last longing peace between nations.