The Obama Administration made much of the Kandahar offensive’s success hinging on winning hearts and minds to the side of the occupation forces. As usual this goal is falling by the waysde as the military actually arrives on the scene, as civilians in the Zhari District are up in arms at the military’s actions.
The district has been seen as a key target for the offensive, but locals are complaining that the US military, having occupied the district with little resistance, has proceded to bulldoze homes and farm fields en masse, with hundreds of homes destroyed and a large number of people rendered homeless.
Officials insist that the tactics are necessary because the homes are potentially being used as hiding places by insurgents, but the scorched earth tactics aren’t making them any friends among the local population of the tiny farming district.
Indeed, these claims that the offensive is necessary to bring the district under control must ring hollow among locals, who have seen NATO forces occupy them no less than six times since 2001, each time claiming it was a major victory that amounted to a turning point in the war. But each time these offensives end, the troops leave, and the Taliban return. This time the locals may be quite grateful of that, as the Taliban are at least not demolishing their homes.
Why doesn't the USA just sub-contract its bull dozzing operations out to the Israeli who have so much expertise in this area? Why does the world hate Israel and the USA? Just ask all those families who have had their homes bull dozzed in .
The USG is just using what the ZIONIST-NAZI's do to the Palestinians. How's that working out? It doesn't matter to the ZIONIST-NAZI'S the USG pay for it. AS far as scorched housing, well the Pentagram used it in Nam, how did that work out. What it looks like is the USG/Pentagram are using the failed tactics, not to end the slaughter but to prolong the occupation and invasion, for the profit of the WEALTHY PREDATORY CAPITALIST WELFARE KINGS warmongers in perpetuity. The ZIONISTS have been at it since their existence, over 60 years now. The is the time line the USG is looking at in AfPak, Iraq.
by the way israel already contract much of the house dozzing to palestinians who are desperate enough to just do what they are told.
With a friend like the U.S.A., who then needs an enemy?
This is the ugly face of super power, if they build new homes for them I can accept but to leave these on the street im winter. America has become a terrorist state and a timid enemy with no character. They are most brutal and morally ugliest army in the army.
i do remember Nazis but americanms have left behind.
As I always say Allah don,t like wrong doers and Pakistan must wake up and they will then it will be hell for americans in Afghanistan.
As a German we do remember after Germany surrendered after six month Dresden city was bombarded and made ruins and that story is in our hearts and minds.
If they are defeated will have no place to hide. God bless american politicians who lie from left to right.
Oh, Nice….another gruesome policy of ?? Can this be correct…..?? To destroy houses BEFORE they can be utilized "because the homes are potentially being used as hiding places by insurgents" …….. Potentually???? Are these preemptive house demolitions……. It it LEGAL under the laws of war..?? Or just more war crimes……oops I forgot……War crimes are committed by the children………
Oh, Nice….another gruesome policy of ?? Can this be correct…..?? To destroy houses BEFORE they can be utilized "because the homes are potentially being used as hiding places by insurgents" …….. Potentually???? Are these preemptive house demolitions…??? It it LEGAL under the laws of war..?? Or just more war crimes……oops I forgot……War crimes are committed by the children………
the plan is the same for iraq as it is for palistine as it is for afghanistan, get people out of the country side and concentrate them in more controllable urban centers.
Vietnam style, Strategic Hamlets.
Great comments. Bush exonerated himself of any of the criminal acts for his invasion of Iraq, justifying it, that the world is a better place without Sadaam, whom was telling the truth about WMD'S IN Iraq and Bush was lying. Bush Crowned his self as King of the Known Universe, as god king bestowing upon his self to whom should live or die.
Does anyone know what US army unit is responsible for this unnecessary destruction? I would love to know.
Is this area rich in minearal resources? I know that Afghanistan has billions of dollars, if not more, of mineral resources. Please tell me we aren't bull dozing these people's homes/property so we can start mining…