In one of those policy statements that was probably not supposed to be made publicly, Israeli General Gadi Eisenkot, the commander of the nation’s northern front, warned a crowd at University of Haifa that the massive missile defense systems which Israel is putting so much effort into isn’t for them.
“The systems are designed to protect military bases,” insisted Gen. Eisenkot, adding that they assumed “that civilians suffer discomfort during the days of battle.” The billions spent on the missile defense systems have been couched as protecting Israelis from the impending attack their politicians are forever insisting is coming.
Indeed, officials have been making much of the inevitability of rockets falling on the densely populated city of Tel Aviv, with predictions that the next war will bring “many more casualties.”
These comments were seen at the time as being an effort to sell the public on the expensive and ineffective missile defense programs, but it seems Israeli officials are not only comfortable with massive numbers of Israeli civilian deaths, but see no reason to make any effort to prevent them.
Why does it matter were it is put? It does not work and the only reason for it is the got our idiots in the congress to fund $250,000,000 for a project that Israel knew did not work. In this case I cannot blame the greedy for accepting the work. I am sure like so many other gifts also have large pork projects to employ the citizens of Israel. Our congress today are yelling that they do not want to extend unemployment for the American workers who would have a job if this was made in America instead of Israel. There is little to say for this project especially since the Israel refused to fund it with their money.
Philosophically, the whole justification of even having a government is that it should protect its citizens from harm.
The problem is that once any government is established, it quickly comes to regard its own protection as more important that protecting the citizens. Bookmark this one for use as an example.
As an unemployed American, I'm so very happy to see my money being sent off to Israel while I lose my home and go hungry. Bookmark that one as another example. Governments looking out for themselves while they screw their citizens. Welcome to America.
And no, I didn't vote for my Congressperson, my Senators, nor my President who's doing this to me. Which means in the American warped winner-take-all version of democracy, I'm un-represented, but still paying taxes.
remember we are the most moral army in the world, nobody said anything you civilians,
and besides if you don't die how are we supposed to escalate, with tears in our eyes.
remember we are the most moral army in the world, nobody said anything about you civilians,
and besides if you don't die how are we supposed to escalate, with tears in our eyes.
an army without a country for a country without a clue
funniest news ever
I'm sure the 2011 congress will have fistfights erupting over who is the bigger Israeli loyalist and who gets to take credit for the billions appropriated to correct this missile defense oversight.
Of course the civilian population isn't to be protected- if they were, there wouldn't be as many casualties to shed crocodile tears over on the evening news. Israel's tactic in this is to maximize civilian casualties by the absence of defending them, with the end result of somehow gaining world sympathy in the event of an attack.
HOWEVER…. given that no nation in the Middle East has any intention of attacking Israel (yes, this includes Iran, whose leaders are far more cool-headed than those in Israel) this must mean civilian casualties would come as a result of a counter-attack by another nation in response to Israeli aggression.
"Okay, Israelis, here it is: We're going to start a shooting war against <insert nation of choice> but we're not going to defend you, we're only going to defend military bases. We know many of you will be killed as a result of our not defending you, but please understand your deaths will provide at least a days' worth of heavily televised propaganda in order to justify our aggression. Are we all on board with this? Great! The bombing begins in five minutes. That is all."
I hope Ahmadinejah is paying attention.
And that proves that the Zionists don't even have use for their own kind. Guess they'll all be flocking back to Europe and Brooklyn now.
Makes perfect sense to me. The state of Israel does not exist to serve its citizens. The citizens exist to serve the state of Israel. For what purpose? To prevent another holocaust of the Jews whose lives are expendable when the cause is defending Israel.
It all makes sense when you think about it.