According to the State Department, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today to complain about the announcement to expand a settlement in East Jerusalem.
Israel’s announcement of the 1,600 new settlement units effectively ended the indirect peace talks before they had begun. Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon has ruled out back-tracking on the settlements, and insisted this was the last time Israel would ever make a concession for the peace process. Ayalon added that the only US objection was the timing of the announcement.
Which seems to have been at least partially confirmed by Secretary Clinton, who in an interview with CNN today said “the announcement of the settlement the very same day the vice president was there was insulting.” Though Clinton issued a blanket condemnation of the settlement plan, the timing appears to have been the only thing she specifically mentioned.
Is israel is a state in usa or usa a astate in Israel?
The latter.
Israel will keep fighting till last american dead
Israel has got the US by its balls. It's disgusting that a criminal, corrupt state like Israel can manipulate and dictate the US while making sure the billions of dollars of "aid" keep flowing.
If the elected officials in the US aren't blackmailable, they aren't sitting in office.
We can now add this to the US House of Representatives' shameful act of disavowing the Goldstone report , and the retribution visited upon Dennis Kuchinich for supporting it ,as proof positive that The United States is a client state of Israel. As long as this government is populated by The Israeli first cowards and quislings American interests in The Middle East will be abandoned, and The United Staes will needlessly be sacrificing blood and treasure until the empire eventually collapses.
What's clear is that Israel chose to scuttle the new talks, EVEN THOUGH those talks were loaded in Israel's favor. And what does the Obama administration bitch about? The timing!! In other words, they want to distract us from the real meaning of what just happened. Why does Israel continue to spit in the face of peace? To stage provocations at particularly sensitive moments? And why particularly now? When it is on the verge of war with Iran? What are they after? What could it be?
EVeryone is thinking the same thought, but is afraid to say it. The War for Greater Israel. Oh yes, Israel wants peace. It wants the peace of total 'victory'.
But not to worry, we'll have another round of obtuse handwringing from the alternapundits and more delusional chewing on the 'great question' – will Obama finally 'get it'? Oh yes. He 'got it' long ago. Will we finally 'get it'?
how would iran nuke israel without killing muslims.aint gonna happen.far more likely is israel bombing or even using so called tactical nukes on a country with few jews,iran.
I am tired of even commenting on Israel.
The bottom line is we have a congress eaten up with US Israeli influence.
UNTIL you do something about THAT, nothing is going to change.
Listen to how your representatives PLEDGE ALLEGINCE to a foreign country all the time, every election.
And you vote for them anyway cause they promise you some little goodie on your pet issue..
And you have no idea just how eaten up they are Israel.
One small example…go to Congressman’s Ackerman’s site, look under earmarks.
There you will see his pork request.
One for $10 million for a new hospital in Israel.
Another for 2.5 million for a kidney unit for a hospital in Israel.
Right as the US is having it’s own health care and unemployment crisis, he is shoveling our money to Israel..
Here it is;
This crap goes on all the time. In free trade bills, in grants, you name the category, they find a way to slip even more money to Israel than the 3 billion in aid Israel automatically gets..Take from Americans, give to Israel.
You want to do something besides fuss about it on the net?
Then get in their faces.
Don’t bother with silly petitions.
Go after them.INDIVIDUALLY.
Every time one of them is giving a speech pledging their loyalty and all of Americans blood and treasure to Israel.
Call them out.
And call themTRAITORS.
That’s what they are.
Get the term TRAITOR out there and get it going among the public.
THAT is the olnly way you are going to scare them off the Israel fetish.
Way pass time to update the US treason definitions to reflect our current corruption of which Israel is the biggest example..
US is acting like any stuppied father who have a son that gets drunk does drugs goes through the
red light 'rapes,shoplift beat up others, have sex with hiis mother and sister every day ,breaks all and every law and the low life father say to him BAD BOY THAT is "DEEPly NEGATIVE"
That's right Hillary, get tough with those Israelis for "insulting" the VPOTUS. Go for it girl! But be careful, you just might get branded an anti-semite by AIPAC.
As it is, the parasite is killing the host.
Israel cannot survive 24 hours witout the American support,our connection to Isreal has brought noghing but disaster to America,it is about time to cut the cord,and let the Israel to take care of herself,.help to relocate the Israel,to Belize in Central America,which that was the original plan for a jewish home land,and it is an excellent choice.
Remeber that all Obama's advisors are Israeli citizens,Rum Emmenual who is the white house chief of staff,is an officer in Israel"s reserve army.
Biden is sending mixed signals,he is saysing that America has 100% ommitmnet to Israel,and at the same time telling to stop confiscating Palatanian lands.biden must be stupid,or crazy.
More proof that the Israeli's do not want peace with the Palestinians, and never did. They not only have no intention of vacating Palestinian land, but I believe their long term aim is to consolidate all the Palestinian lands into Israel, then "ethnically cleanse" the land of Palestinians, sending them all to Jordan or wherever they can get rid of them. The constant negotiating over the "peace process" is just window dressing. There is no peace process.
ANTIWAR.COM: According to the State Department , Clinton Slams Israeli 'Insult’
Jason, you're slipping.