A joint statement by Yemen’s five largest opposition parties today condemned yesterday’s brief London Conference on Yemen, at which international forces pledged “long-term” aid for the Yemeni government.
The opposition figures complained that the conference focused on saving the Saleh regime’s hold on power, as opposed to helping the deteriorating internal situation.
Though the two hour conference did produce a call for Saleh to “enact reform and continue to combat corruption,” it did seem that much of the focus was on increasing the government’s ability to survive as it fights two civil wars and a growing al-Qaeda presence.
But, noted the opposition, many of the problems Yemen faces were “due to the policies of this same regime,” and efforts to save it would actually support “instability and corruption” going forward.
Let it not be said later on that the goal is to "promote democracy", combat "corruption", and other such puky pronouncements. Everybody knows that the goal is to prop up the dictator in power. But in a country that should have never had a strong central government, as the traditon calls for a decentralized structure and strong local government, all we are doing is being amateurs, and insisting that we are right.
So, for as long as we do not hear any more "democracy" clap trap, and as long as we know that it is OK for the dictator to opress people of the south, who were never historically part of Yemen in the fist place — so be it. Just no lies, no deceptions.
And the folly of supporting strongmen is the gasoline to the fire of the insurgency. And when bullets are flying, can we remind our "democracy" builders that they cannot tell Al-Qaeda from whatever local grievances are. And let them not pretend that they do. For as long as Clinton can say that we will "not abandon them". Let's abandon, please!
or ya can take whats' behind door # 3,a new car,no i was thinking a tri-cameral tribal"(thairs alot of that lately-huh zion)stable set of charted declarations or 50 bucks and whatever i got ,,,behind my back,the crowd goes crazy/wild_?oo,
Again, the west is taking the side of the dictatorship, against the people. The only thing that is puzzling here is why is the west keeping closed eyes on a regiem that is falling, a regiem that proved to be pro Al-Qaeda.