In a frank assessment of Britain’s role in the endless war on terror, key Member of Parliament Kim Howells, the chairman of the intelligence services committee, called for Britain to rethink its role internationally.
“I think we believe we have a bigger punch than we have,” the MP noted, warning that every major problem for the international community has led to sending British soldiers into harms way. “It can’t continue,” Howells warned.
Instead the MP called for Britain to focus more on direct security threats instead of serving in the role of world police, adding that the public was only going to grow more dubious as the death toll rises.
Howells has been an outspoken critic of the Afghan War for quite some time, and today expressed confusion over what exactly President Obama hoped to solve with his latest escalation, saying he feared the president was simply throwing troops at the situation and “hoping for the best.”
every other country should pull back and let the mighty usa finnish what they started. from the inside job on 9/11 to the Fiasko in Iraq and Afghanistan. these are not Wars but never ending commitments. If the Americans are willing to sacrifice health care for War, so be it. do not expect us to carry your hatchet for you.
the old habits die hard. Britain would be safer if it stopped immigration and deported its many foreign-born troublemakers.
Do you also think all Europeans should be deported from africa america and asia ?
thats it ,in a nutshell 1 for 1 no hordes or mass production zones of exsploitable sub classes,alas remanent particles of the post nazi ice age did ya see it good i'm glad ya missed it ,allthe more reason to not repeat "it
wow some real weird coolaid going around these board lattly