In comments today, German Economic Minister Brigitte Zypries declared the latest round of US sanctions against Russia a violation of international law, pushing for the European Union to retaliate against the US to protect its economic interests.

Several European nations, but particularly Germany, have been concerned with the wording of the latest US sanctions, which intend to target foreign investment in Russia’s energy industry. Germany, and indeed much of the EU, are heavily dependent on Russian natural gas, and German companies working on gas pipelines fear they could be hit with US sanctions by this latest move.
The US has only limited trade with Russia in the first place, after all, and round after round of sanctions since 2015 has quickly exhausted most of that trade, meaning for new US sanctions to have any noticeable effect, they can’t really target Russia directly.
Targeting German energy importers, however, could be a dangerous mistake for the US, as the EU doesn’t have any realistic alternatives to trade with Russia at this point, and will doubtless feel obliged to protect their trade interests, irrespective of America’s wishes.
It is pretty clear that sanctions are economic benefits for American companies and politically ineffective for deterring foreign policy problems. Diplomacy is a lost art in the USA, it cannot be effective when so many Congressmen are basically selling their votes to special interests.
What these idiots in Congress did was commit treason through national suicide. Do they really hate Russia that much as to cut off their noses to spite their faces? They not only alienated Russia, they alienated the EU also, and they deserve nothing less than a freeze on all of their assets (including salaries) .. And on top of that, they deserve a massive ouster in next year’s elections.
This is the least of what these traitors deserve, Pat. What they actually deserve (on top of losing their seats) are charges of treason, prosecution and life behind bars. Even if Trump vetoes this evil sanctions bill, the traitors will most likely override it. They don’t give a hoot about their constituents and the nation as a whole; and, thus, must face the music for their treachery.