The House of Representatives today voted 371-48, with massive majorities in both parties, in favor of another $578 billion military spending bill to cover the remainder of fiscal year 2017. The bill now moves on to the Senate, where it again is expected to easily pass.
The exact meaning of the figures is a little difficult to understand this time around, because Congress had already passed a military spending bill for fiscal year 2017 back in December, which was $611 billion. That bill was only ever intended to be a fraction of what was to be spent, aiming to give way to a second “emergency” bill before April, which is today’s bill, which would cover the rest of the year. That said, there is a lot of overlap between the two and the overall budget is not just a matter of adding the two together.
Indeed, the $578 billion one voted on today probably will be bigger by the time it gets signed, with President Trump seeking to add another $30 billion, which is meant to be a first step toward what he promises will be a 9% increase in spending in fiscal year 2018.
The new bill intends $516 billion for “basic” military requirements, which is more than double any other nation on the planet’s spending, and also includes about $62 billion in additional spending for America’s assorted wars and occupations.
The only potential obstacle in the Senate is from the usual hawks like Sens. Lindsey Graham (R – SC) and John McCain (R – AZ), for whom any military budget, no matter how substantial its growth, is much too small, and doesn’t include nearly enough new wars to appear sufficiently patriotic.
US millitary spending has become sooo…pointless…sooo out of control…funding sooo much destruction and criminal activity all around the world… that our fully compliant, essentially 1-party Congress, is now breaking it up into multiple pieces per year so the numbers won’t be as noticeable to the sleeping public. Yeah…
The 1961 Federal ‘budget’ was about 100 billion, with 50B military, or 50%.
Allowing for inflation, today that would be Federal 1 Trillion, with 500B military.
Instead, it’s 3.8 Trillion, with maybe 600B for military, or about 16%.
The military looks pretty good compared to the Feds …
Maybe so but it still is more than the next 8 nations combined including Russia and China..its still a hell of a lot of money..its just more pork for the Congressional districts with military bases and contractors.
doesn’t include enough new wars to appear sufficiently patriotic…
These crooks in the Pentagon couldn’t give a damn about ‘patriotism’.
Ignoring the pablum regurgitated by the MSM, which is the Pentagon’s
PR propaganda machine, Trump’s ‘increase’ in military spending has
nothing to do with protecting ‘us’ from the boogeyman ‘terrorists’.
It has to do with squandering ‘our’ tax dollars on pork barrel like the
F-35 that can’t fly, boats that sink, and perpetual wars for profit.
You will never view this in the Bankster media. Apr. 21, 2016 RANKED: The world’s 20 strongest militaries
Ike warned of the power of the Military Industrial Complex which has tentacles now in every state and most congressional districts. Congress is bought and paid for supporting ever bigger budget busters to bring the pork home to their districts. Its only going to get worse. This will blow out the federal budget.
I am sure most folks thought slavery had ended in America. The joke is on all of U.S..
August 16, 2016 Pentagon Cannot Account For $6.5 Trillion Dollars
A new Department of Defense Inspector General’s report, released last week, has left Americans stunned at the jaw-dropping lack of accountability and oversight. The glaring report revealed the Pentagon couldn’t account for $6.5 trillion dollars worth of Army general fund transactions and data, according to a report by the Fiscal Times.
Eisenhowers Farewell Address Jan. 1961
Here is the warning given to the American people, and chillingly represents what is happening today. A short video of Eisenhowers speech and the Military Industrial “Congressional” Complex.