In a move that is virtually unprecedented in US politics, top Donald Trump adviser on Israel David M. Friedman gave an interview to Israel’s Channel 2 urging the nation not to accept any military aid deal from President Obama, and rather to wait until after the election.
Friedman argued that Trump would “in all likelihood” increase Israel’s military aid “dramatically.” This is a major shift from Trump’s own stated policy, which is that nations like Israel should have “pay big league” amounts in return for US military aid.
It also runs counter to Republican Senators’ calls for Israel to accept an Obama deal on the grounds that the deal wouldn’t be markedly changed post-election. Indeed, many have expressed concern that Israel being seen to “wait out Obama” would significantly harm their position in the US, and further cement the growing perception that Israel is a political issue in the US.
This same argument has been prevalent in Israel, as many aides have pushed Netanyahu to accept Obama’s aid package, rumored to be in the $35 billion range, instead of risking Israel’s status as a “bipartisan” US policy on the off chance they might get more from his successor.
No military aid to Israel, the apartheid state.
Donald,too much love for Israel will mean your defeat.The Hell Bitch has them in her corner,and you will be committing political suicide if you suck their dick.
You are right – I vote for those whom I agree on foreign policy – which in my case is who continues our War on Islam and who tells Israel (the root cause of radical Islam) to take a hike. As such, I’d as soon kiss a copperhead snake as vote for Hillary. Trump could have my vote or my scorn depending upon how deeply he kisses Netanyahu’s butt.
I have been willing to give Trump some leeway on his frequent policy ‘contradictions—–but having these two Israel – Firsters on his team is too much for me. 10 thumbs down on Trump.
Israel elites have ruined the US as much as the global elites have.
Off with all their heads.
If they want military aid –let them pay big. Trump has to be under a lot of pressure from the AIPAC people.
Adviser on israel? Do presidential candidates also have advisers on Namibia? No?
I think it would be a bit of a rush to take anything said during a campaign at face value. This statement by Friedman might well be interpreted as a tactic to win Jewish support, votes, and money from Madam Clinton. Once Trump gets to the White House it’s a whole new ball game: America First?, or Israel First? We shall see.
How about giving them nothing? Israel can defend itself. Better yet, predicate any and all aid packages on Israel accepting the ’67 Green Line and getting every single settler out of Palestinian territory. Israel gets their new toys, Palestine gets stable borders and a credible bid for statehood, and all is well. As for Gaza- Israel hands-off, let it be a part of Palestine and have a ‘Berlin corridor’ arrangement for connection to the West Bank.
Trump ought to dump this Friedman Israel uber alles guy; he will stab Trump in the back
Well it also might be a good idea for Hillary to then dump her Muslim advisor, and Obama to get rid of his many Muslim advisors, and Bernie to dump the grossly anti Semitic members of his democratic convention committee.
Muslim advisors? R U really so misinformed?
Greenblatt and Friedman are perfect examples of the type of treasonous, fifth columnist, Israel Firsters, that should be barred from public policy officeholding. In fact,let us treat them as Israel already treats its Arab Knesset members who put their own Israeli/Arab constituents first, kick them out of office and impison them.
The real issue between Hillary and Trump will be to see who can be the most subservient to the Lobby in terms of providing increased welfare and limiting the rights of Americans to dissent against Zionist crimes. They must prove that they are the most obedient Shabbat goy. Hillary’s history shows that at the moment she is the clear winner but Trump has time to catch up.
Millions of Palestinians ARE Jews.
Name one.
Clever Lad! Cut ou t the middleman/Obama’s people.