In comments today, Secretary of State John Kerry reported that Russia has approached the administration about holding talks on military cooperation in the war against ISIS in Syria. The US has not responded, and officials are only “considering” the matter.
Kerry suggested it would be a “military-to-military” conversation meant to avoid the two nations coming into conflict with their respective efforts against ISIS. Kerry once again insisted that Russia’s involvement “undermines” US goals in Syria.
At the same time, US officials have suggested that they do want Russia “fighting ISIS” in some vague way, but only so long as it is totally in dedication to US goals, which by and large are in conflict with Russia’s long-standing goals of maintaining an alliance with Syria.
Russia has maintained that its aid to Syria is unchanged, and focused on fighting ISIS. US officials, however, are increasingly complaining about the aid because they insist that fighting ISIS and imposing regime change are both primary goals, with an eye toward installing a “pro-US” faction that largely does not exist in their place.
It's time to admit that ISIS is going to win, and start preparing for it. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and above all, Israel, want ISIS to win, and the US – with Israel's employees, the Neocons, yammering endlessly Tel-Aviv delivered talking points – is too addled to stop them. It's now only a matter of time.
There will be a wave of refugees of a order of magnitude that hasn't been seen in Europe since the Visigoths arrived on the borders of the Roman Empire, refugees from the advancing Huns, in 376- with ultimately similar results.
I share the view that ISIS will ultimately win, which means a huge defeat for Putin and possibly, the spread of guerilla attacks to Russia's Caucasian empire and Crimea (on behalf of the Tatars, who loathe the Russians). Hnece, the advantage of bogging the Russians down in Syria. I doubt if there'll be a flood of refugees to Europe. The present arrivals have had it made very plain to them that ordinary Europeans don't want them here. A movement towards the US, the proverbial nation of immigrants, would be more likely.
There is some speculation that the U.S. is already on board with Russian attempts to halt the further advance of ISIS. The U.S. will continue to deny the cooperation for obvious political reasons and as a cover for the break with its Saudi and Turkish allies.
And USG should thank Russian, join and taking the offer seriously.., that is to say if Saudis and Israeli would allow such cooperation. In the other hand the removal of Syrian legitimate government suggested by USG, Israel, Saudis, GCC and some Europeans, which in terms is a "prestigious" matter with Tgese and others, these government have to lose their "prestigious" and admit to their defeated idea about changing the maps of Iraq, Syria in last five years wanting to create a barbaric regime as extension to Saudis-Wahhabis-GCC regimes.
Putin is getting ever more frantic! The US doesn't actually need Putin's help in Syria, all the more so as the he seems to have no real influence over Assad. He might be able to pull the rug from under him by ceasing to arm his forces but bringing him down is the very opposite of what Putin wants. Equally, it suits the US very well to get Putin bogged down in a shooting war in Syria. On past performance, that will set off a wave of desertions from the Russian military and may well spawn an anti-war movement, such as the "mothers" movement of earlier wars. That, in its turn, will weaken him in Ukraine and could even bring him down. Just as in Ukraine, Putin has painted himself into a corner in Syria and has no real choice left other than which foot he's going to shoot himself in.
Lets see when the ISIS hordes finish the rampage through Syria, does the US expect them to go home………Where will they go?…………Lebanon Possibly I doubt it the Prize that they would love is to take control of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and whilst we will here the bleating that the Israelis are tough just remember they are tough on the US dime and will expect huge stocks of weapons and aircraft and most likely TROOPS on the ground! Of course we must understand that it is only 60 miles from the Golan Heights to Jerusalem but also that between the Golan Heights and Jerusalem 30 miles away there is another well known place name has changed a little from the old days but we used to call it Armageddon! are we living the Ultimate fantasy of Every Israel Firster and Neo Con a battle on the fields of Armageddon! The culmination of their activities since the days of the Senator for Boeing a war with American Troops in Israel Proper!
Democracy Now reports today that Russia and the U.S. will begin military to military talks concerning Syria.