A DC district court judge today ruled that the Obama Administration can keep the Senate’s CIA torture report as well as CIA documents regarding torture secret as long as they want.
Judge James Boasberg insists that the question of whether the documents can be public was already decided “by the other two branches of government” and that the courts shouldn’t get involved.
The ACLU has been pushing for the documents, particularly the 6,900-page Senate report, under the Freedom of Information Act. Only a carefully redacted shorter summary of the report was ever released.
Judge Boasberg sought to reassure the public by saying that ultimately it was entirely possible that some administration would release the documents, but insisted it was not a decision to be made by a court.
Yet again some coward pseudo-judge buys into (or did the gov't buy him) the lame argument that suddenly the courts have no business deciding anything.
Obama is just as corrupt as George W. Bush.
This is all so much ass-covering by all the criminals involved in every part of the establishment.
I have this vague recollection of a senator from Alaska who grew a pair and read the Pentagon Papers into the record on the floor of the Senate. But perhaps I just dreamed it.
Empire without the courts — Paradise for legalized killers
Well then, if the other two branches of government need not a Judicial Branch to keep them from becoming a brutal and imperial Empire, then we should expand our killer drone program to include petty theft and allow legalized killer cops to gun-down anyone committing a traffic violation.
Obviously this "judge" doesn't understand the purpose of the separation of powers, specifically, the checks and balances as outlined by the founding fathers. But then, I guess, money and power are more attractive than actually doing the job you are supposed to be doing.
Mar 11, 2015 Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: Terrorism is Made in the USA. The Global War on Terrorism is a Big Lie
Dr Chossudovsky said terrorism is made in the US and that terrorists are not the product of the Muslim world. Prominent academic and author Dr Michel Chossudovsky warned that the so-called war on terrorism is a front to propagate America’s global hegemony and create a New World Order.
So, as a result, people are now free to imagine the worst possible horrors that could have been committed by the US Government!
We no longer have ” Seperate but Equal Three Branches of Goverent”;To say have means we once had but that form was left in 1860.
Under Bush our peoples houses unconditionaly surrendered all but the powers of government granting of public funds to corporate entitys, those corporates range from financial, to incorporated citys states and burgs.
They even surrendered their law writing and formations of ideas to those of Executive Branch, and recieve their financial rewards as priveleges ; rubber stamps.
The system of government is no more than managerial control over the access of public to the Empires wealth.
To think your vote is anything of more import than asking for candy from adults is foolish.
State governments are no more than extensions of the Executive Branch and its ideas of police state militarism.
Hi!, Patrons Of Anti-War Et. Al.:
It would appear to my frame of reference under present day circumstances of OUR major courts relinquishing their roles as protectors of OUR Constitutional rights etc., that we dishonor our own selves and image, by even calling them judges don't we? Then, if they are no longer entitled to that name, what are they really but parasites upon OUR very own material and intellectual worlds bringing dissention etc. in their wake and being paid for their self serving mediocrities? Doesn't this turn the rule of law into the rule of men which is exactly one of the main purposes of OUR Constitutional checks and balances or have we all lost our abilities to understand OUR Constitution all at once together at the same time except for these judicial losers? As Doug Case of Casey Research has announced several times that these types of actions over time have rendered OUR Constitution a "DEAD LETTER" under such inflammatory influences and what's now left to protect US we the people from a DEAD LETTER? Only certain people are now claiming to know how to announce a specific, indoctrinating influence from their reading of OUR Constitution; while the rest of we the people are totally misinformed from reading OUR Constitution? Seems more likely to me and how about you dear reader that OUR collective sense of reasoning regards OUR Constitution is being arrested from its' moorings, in order to accommodate the exclusive designs of OUR elite who only serve themselves and not we the people nor OUR Constitutional rights? Something tells me and again how about you dear reader that the Biblical counter to this is stated in the terms of all primary evils stemming from the love of money but is that why our Country and economy was created? Some analysts are stating that the US has become an Empire in decline but can we be an Empire in decline without some black swan, darkened purposes behind it?
RUSS SMITH, CA. (One Of Our Broke, Fiat Money Corrupt States)