While US officials continue to obsess over Iran’s civilian nuclear program, despite the nation repeatedly ruling out ever creating nuclear arms from it, the Saudi Ambassador to the United States today, on US television, insisted his nation will never make a similar pledge.
“This is not something we would discuss publicly,” Ambassador al-Jubeir insisted during an interview on CNN, saying the decision to create nuclear weapons might be necessary for Saudi national security, and would never be negotiated over.
At a time when the US is going to great lengths to avoid nuclear proliferation, and great pains to pressure Iran, a nation which keeps disavowing militarization of its nuclear capabilities, overt talk from a non-nuclear state of its intentions to at least consider building such arms, ought to be cause for concern.
Yet so far, US officials seem not to be reacting to the Saudi comment at all, and given the long history of US officials giving the Saudis carte blanche to say and do whatever they want, they probably won’t. If any public comment is made at all, expect the US to blame the whole thing on Iran.
You have the your other kind of nukes and you are already using it. Is your barbarians and barbariabs beheading people in Saudi arabia and in Iraq and Syria, more of that you idiots will below up the world, unless Israel doing it first.
AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA take THAT, Washington and Tel Aviv. Now who's your daddy?
Jesus some days I wish I'd wake up and realize this is all a badly-written TV comedy.
Sorry to bum you out but, you are awake and it's definitely not a comedy.
They will probably buy the centrifuges to make the nuclear fuel from their friends in the USA using oil as the lubricant.
I heard Iran has some lightly-used, slightly-damaged centrifuges they'd be willing to sell cheap.
This is what happens when you let certain states have nukes without insisting that they sign up to the NPT.
I would certainly not like to live in the Middle East if Saudi Arabia posessed nukes, because as the latest fiasco concerning ISIL has shown – whose side are they really on?
If the nations in the ME start using nukes, it won't be safe to live anywhere.
Isn't that the truth.
Can you imagine the two "Wahhabi" states – Pakistan (who already have nukes), Saudi Arabia and then add Israel to the equation.
That is the doomsday scenario and we are two thirds of the way there.
And there isn't a sane one in the bunch…
Does this mean the US can put Saudi Arabia on the attack list along with Iran because they "might" develop nuclear weapons?
If the World was being run by "normal" people then that would have to be the case, unfortunately the lobbyists and big business ensure that different rules apply to different countries.
Let every country in the ME have nukes and use them into each other, as soon as radiation decays, VOILA, prime real state and lots of underground oil to be taken.
The Saudis managed to pick the best possible time to make their announcement. Did they coordinate with their old pal Bibi and the brain-dead Repubs?