US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power insisted the US plan to train and arm a new faction of Syrian rebels was not aimed simply at the destruction of ISIS, but was also meant to fight the Assad government in Syria.
“The training also will service these troops in the same struggle they’ve been in since the beginning of this conflict against the Assad regime,” Power insisted.
The plan, approved by Congress last week, aims to create a new fighting force of 5,000 rebels within a year, and will be made up of fighters recruited from various other rebel factions.
Previous US attempts to train and arm rebels against ISIS have resulted in a large number of those rebels defecting to ISIS, and many of the US arms ending up in ISIS hands as well. Officials concede that the new plan is likely to result in more defections, though they insist the bulk of the force will remain opposed to ISIS.
Samantha Power is one stupid cow. "Arm and train the good jihadis! This time the plan will work for sure."
Certainly it will, what could possibly go wrong?
She is a total disgrace. That was classic how the Russian UN Ambassador told her to stop embarrassing the United States. I have to give him credit for his gentlemanly behavior and not walking over and slapping Samantha senseless.
Sammy should observe the old adage, better to be thought stupid than open your mouth and remove all doubt.
She is being honest about the policy. She is describing the policy of those she serves. The people who own her and live in the same echo chamber are probably gleeful each time she makes ridiculous claims like this. She is part of the threat inflation industry. She has to advocate the breaking of windows to later fix or she would be out of a job and useless. Its too bad we can't use the PATRIOT Act on people like her who actually are supporting the mujahedin. What does one supposed to do when the terrorist sponsors are the political class that is immune to prosecution?
These people look like robots having mental leakage where their creator have no clue which wire to cut to get the brain part shout done completely, that is to say if they can remember that there was a brain memory instaled to begin with.
Samantha Power, what a coincident, Power of robot with no brain. Look at your first creation, is called ISIS, the "lesser" Hitlerism, your next creation is going to be a three headed SS with no brains like General Franco, Adolph Hitler and his eligitimate sons of B…. From Saudi Arabia.
OBL was once yer good-jihadi.
I'm not even buying her stated intent. Neocons want chaos, they want it called their ~solutions~, they'll flatly lie to you just to push them through, and they'll fund the problem ostensibly 'solved.'
So, everyone(really, it's not merely Powers)is now enthusiastically supporting the FSA , who have agreed a non-aggression pact with ISIS and who are working together with Israel against Assad. I do not think that the US has been completely incompetent in its approach of the situation in recent months, but this is ridiculous.
If it has nothing to do with fighting ISIS, and is about assembling the maximum forces against Assad, they've actually been quite competent (as long as blowback isn't counted, who blames Brzezinski for 9-11, right?)
I don't think so.ISIS is blowback, it's not intentional. And it's not about assembling maximum forces against Assad either. It's more a poitical process. Some still want Assad out, some don't want him out anymore but still want him to be bogged down in war. Others think Assad should stay but he's getting in the way of the coalition. And some want to go to war against ISIL and some couldn't care less. So the natural evolution is that the coalition tries to carve out an ISIL-and Assad-free area in a part Syri and in doing so creates a new range of conflicts and ambitions. And some will think 'now that we've got a foot on the ground we can take on Assad'. But it's all reacting to the situation on the ground. There's no competent masterplan going on there.
Hey USA and Samantha powers, get your paws out of ME affairs. We will sort out ISIS and Assad and others if we had the change. But no, you come over here, create Al-Qaeda, assist the creation of ISIS and interfere in every possible way we want to run our affairs then interfere claiming to solve the bullshit you created? Stop interfering and ISIS will be history within 6 months, thugs a promise. If you really want to help, cut off the snake's head in Wahhabi Saudi Arabia, the main purveyor of extreme religious dogma and the cash that goes along with it. Do you have the balls? Do you have the balls to rein in the real terrorists in the area, Israel? Just remember, before Israel was created there were no problems in the muddle east.
"Just remember, before Israel was created there were no problems in the muddle east."
That would be like "remembering" that I used to be Superman. Fun, but completely without basis in fact.
In the years before Israel was created, the most troubling problem in the Middle East was Jewish terrorists. Creating Israel was supposed to end terrorism in the region — the terrorists won. But the losers just turned terrorists with much the same methods of bombs and assassinations, differing only in minor details.
Yes, "Jewish terrorists" were responsible for France's overthrow of Faisal I and the suppression of Sultan Pasha al-Atrash's rebellion in Syria, the Golden Square coup in Iraq, etc. I suppose it was "Jewish terrorists" who starved 100k people to death in Lebanon during WWI, carried out the Armenian genocide, etc. Those mean old Jewish terrorists … everything was just good times and noodle salad until they showed up.
It's only been a little more than a year since the nation collectively shouted "Hell No" to an attack against Syria. Then a mysterious fall back plan was created; to train and equip the moderate rebels in Jordan. Fast forward to the present and the CIA quietly states that the arming and equipping of the moderates was a "fools errand". We then find that the new crop of moderates have already entered into a truce with ISIS/ISIL to not fight them, only fight Assad.. The Israelis are laughing themselves silly at how their Agents at the WH managed to create this incremental creep. Powers is actually telling part of the truth, but the part that's the lie is scary. One of the best lies to pop up this week was that our military "air traffic controllers" in Iraq wouldn't be considered combat troops. If you have Special OPs troops directing fighter jets into a target and also painting the target, they are combat troops.
Samantha Power. Ugh. I would like to drop this skinny bint into the center of all the chaos and misery she likes to concoct.
WTF is going on that people like Ms. Powers are still in charge and not in jail. She is a treasonous piece of human garbage and a war criminal no different than Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and all the others who authored the Report for the New American Century. There are many like her, leftovers from previous administrations who are acting to destroy the United States. Unless criminal charges are brought against them and they are arrested there may not be many months left for planet earth.
At least she is being somewhat candid about this, though that is probably not much of a consolation for those skeptical about this latest intervention. The problem is that if these "moderate rebels" are going to be fighting Assad, they will inadvertently be helping, not hurting ISIS. After all, like ISIS, their main goal is overthrowing Assad. It is sad that the reports of the non-aggression pact never made it into any mainstream newscast, but after all, the mainstream media is all behind this, so naturally they aren't going to report anything that conflicts with their narrative.
I'm not surprise by this revelation, if you follow the narrative of this administration it was all about regime change in Syria.
Gee, and when was it that the USA declared war on Syria?
omg where does america get these idiots,who never learn.Ask Einstein about definition of madness.
Samantha Power is rubbing her hands together in delight at the thought of more minorities massacred by jihadis in Syria.