The Obama Administration has made much of its attempts to assemble a new “coalition of the willing” for its latest war in Iraq, and sought to claim a major victory on that front today announcing it had organized a campaign including Britain, France, Australia, Canada, Germany, Turkey, Italy, Poland, and Denmark against ISIS.
Secretary of State John Kerry was pushing hard for backing for the coalition, dubbing ISIS a “ambitious, avowed, genocidal, territorial-grabbing, caliphate-desiring quasi-state with an irregular army” that had to be totally destroyed militarily.
Yet it’s not clear at all what officials from those countries in the new coalition are actually signing on for, and British Prime Minister David Cameron insisted no military requests have been made of any coalition members with respect to ISIS.
Officials say that in addition to the NATO members, the US is hoping to cobble together a collection of Sunni Arab nations to join the war, a difficult task since the war is taking place mostly to save Shi’ite Arab nations like Syria and Iraq from further ISIS expansion.
Not only that US/English need to assemble coalition for Saudi regime as well as UAE, just in months of August Saudis have beheaded 22 people. This is nothing new, its a on going justice system exist in Saudi Arabia where hand are been kissed by the western "democracy" and supported by the king of Sweden to other kingdoms in Europe.
A failure in the making. Expensive failure, in money, lives and poltical reputation.
“ambitious, avowed, genocidal, territorial-grabbing, caliphate-desiring quasi-state with an irregular army”
Right, but the USA supports that. It's called Israel. The reason US doesn't like ISIS is because it is a threat to US business interests in the Middle East.
So apparently the Grand Strategy of the 'coalition' is going to be for disposable political apparatchiks to strategically sign a few documents while the nomenklatura bravely face media cameras for photo ops safe in their home countries. Certainly we won't see the leaders of the US, Britain, France, Australia, Canada, Germany, Turkey, Italy, Poland, or Denmark in the field leading their troops into battle against what will no doubt be characterized as (wait for it…) "the worst threat to civilization since the rise of Hitler's regime". It is rather telling, though, that the list of fine upstanding coalition members does not include (with the exception of Turkey) a single Middle Eastern nation. Not even Israel is on the list- I was rather under the impression Israel was 'our greatest ally', but where is Tel Aviv when our greatest challenge is at hand?
Coalition of the killing. Get killed, maimed, beheaded, blinded, converted, zombified, hamstrung, gutted, gung hoed, confused, kidnapped, and interviewed. Come home in a casket, kill yourself, go insane, become addicted to nasty drugs, and get happy licks from your dog. All to protect the constitution, spread freedom, keep Amurka safe, stop "terrism" and fly that flag !