Vice News reporter Simon Ostrovsky, who holds dual US-Israeli citizenship, has been taken prisoner by protesters in Eastern Ukraine, according to US officials familiar with the situation.
Details of exactly what happened are scant, but Ostrovsky’s Twitter feed reported him in Slovyansk up to yesterday, before he came up missing, and Slovyansk’s acting mayor reported he was “in custody” at a press conference earlier today.
Ostrovsky’s coverage has largely been critical of the protesters, and he has had multiple encounters with separatist protesters in the area in recent days.
Bizarrely, Ostrovsky’s apparent capture was subsequently put in at least some doubt when acting mayor Vyacheslav Ponomarev insisted that “nobody is holding him hostage” and claimed Ostrovsky was now working for the protesters “preparing material.”
I guess that how news are made these days by the us/israeli establishment media.
They will lick him up and America will turn a blind eye as it was with "FRANCIS GARY POWERS"sent poison for him.
Vice News publishes "immersion journalism." What is happening to this reporter is pretty much what he must have been hoping for. He's in the middle of everything. He'll get a terrific story out of this, of exactly the kind that he sought when going there.
Nobody holding him hostage? A likely story, but, one again, it shows that the "protesters" are not just peaceful citizens expressing their political preference.
Thats the way to deal with Israeli spies, not send them home for nothing after 9/11