Ukraine’s military isn’t exactly combat ready, which is likely part of the reason the nation is balking at following through on threats of a crackdown on secessionist demonstrators in the east. Interim President Oleksandr Turchinov has an idea though: let the UN do it.
Turchinov phoned UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today urging him to provide UN ground troops for a joint UN-Ukraine “anti-terrorist” operation against the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces.
The Ukraine interim government has rebranded the Ukraine protesters several times, dubbing them renegades, militants, and finally is now settled on calling them “terrorists” in hope of recruiting international support for attacking the region.
Ukraine’s ability to carry out the attack, however, is in serious doubt, as it was revealed that the military is so broke that they had to get billionaire Dnipropetrovsk governor Ihor Kolomoysky to give them $5 million to pay for gasoline and new car batteries just to get all their vehicles started to withdraw from Crimea last month.
The Interior Ministry was able to overrun a smaller protest in Kharkiv, but since then protesters have dug in and fortified their possessions in Donetsk and Luhansk, readying for protracted battles.
Needless to say, Russia is certain to veto any UN resolution on attacking the protesters, and has similarly warned Ukraine against trying to do anything to them.
“Ukraine’s interim President Oleksandr Turchinov has issued a statement today expressing “openness” to the idea of national referendum on reorganizing Ukraine as a federal system with more regional autonomy”.
There is no president nor a government in Ukraine, they might say that they are but they are not elected by the Ukrainian people, so the issue of Ukraine government saying that or this becomes irrelevant to all and every branch of government, what is said to be the Ukrainian army knows that, they also know that people of eastern Ukraine are Ukrainians therefore they are not about to start a civil war, but the Neo fascist and other savages that are supported by this government and EU governing body will start their move if they are ordered to do so by the very same government that were helped to become “interim government”.
Ukraine under the new US installed government is a giant hole into which the US, EU, NATO, and UN will be pouring money and lives.
A tactical victory for Ukraine. By forcing Russia to veto any UN measure, Russia discredits itself still further and tacitly admits that intends to annex further Ukrainian provinces but does not beleive that a referendum in those provinces, between 56 and 80% ethnic Ukrainian, would be in favour of joining Russia.
Boy, you are the master strategist. Howe many times did the US discredit itself using the Veto for a certain chatty country in the M.E.? Your hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of the west in general are mind boggling. When the thugs went to the streets against the elected president your ambassador was giving cookies. When those people rose up you call the terrorists. You and your ilk are the terrorists, the US along with the EU and NATO are backed against a wall.
If the putsch leaders are willing to turn Eastern Ukraine into rubble, Russia has no choice but to step in and turn Lvov and Kiev into rubble.