Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, promising to “stand with the Ukrainian people” in his testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, reported plans to step up US military involvement in the region, with increased aid to Poland and the Baltic States.
Hagel said the involvement would include expanded aviation training in Poland and increasing US involvement in “air policing missions” over the Baltic States of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
All of these nations are NATO members, and several have stepped up calls for NATO action in retaliation for Russia’s deployments in Crimea, aimed at backing Crimean secession from the Ukraine.
Poland in particular has been calling for “article 4” consultations, claiming their own security is threatened by the deployment in Crimea, which is quite some distance from the Polish border.
NATO has reassured the nations of support in the extremely unlikely event of Russian attack, though the whole matter seems more rhetoric than anything, since Russia has shown no inclination toward military operations against them or any other NATO states.
Notice how budget deficits and debt ceilings and the like never come up. When it comes to giving your money away, suddenly money is no issue and we've got plenty to had out to everyone, except hard-working Americans that is.
Fascinating that Poland doesn't seem to feel threatened by the rise of a fascist tending government right on its borders, but people standing up and resisting fascism far to the south is something they consider a threat. So, we live in a world where resisting fascism is considered a threatening action by 'the west'. Amazing.
You are confusing Poland's corrupt elites and puppet government with Polish citizens who do feel threatened especially because of so claims to Polish territory expressed quite verbally e.g. in WSJ by some of the thugs from the current regime of usurpers in Ukraine. The memory of unspeakable atrocities against the Polish population in Eastern Poland by the Banderist gangs of barabrians is still fresh. Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia
I suppose you're not too frightened by the forces you help organize and train. At least while you keep them occupied.
Maybe the Baltic states (not sure if all of them were pointed at, but many confuse them anyway) feel threatened exactly because of their involvement in Ukraine armed branch of the putsch ? Poland meddled too ? (mostly rhetoric questions)
1 Samuel Chapter 8
These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen, and to run before his chariots; and he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plough his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his courtiers. He will take one-tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and his courtiers. He will take your male and female slaves, and the best of your cattle and donkeys, and put them to his work. He will take one-tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves. And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves; but the Lord will not answer you in that day.’
The lords of Washington are making this predicted king look like a piker. Of course he didn't have a central bank. When I see this sort of article I think of the 90's photo of Clinton standing on some church steps somewhere with the gigantic stage-prop Bible on his arm.
He took only 10%? Nowdays, king and corporate courtiers do not take our best men, our best men sell themselves for pittance for war machine, no need to take our daughers, our daughters will give their services for less income then the slaves. Slaves had housing, food, clothing health care provided for their work. No disposable income of their own. Today's salaries for many people cannot cover subsistence. Those that earn little bit more then subistence, have their income taken through taxes to pay for food stamps, housing assistance, health care subsidies, etc, for those that fall below the line of subistence. The difference is, today's idea of subsistence is much different then before, and includes things that would be absolute luxuries few hundred years ago. But, same applies to rich people. Today trully wealthy would consider the life on a wealthiest men's plantations of yesterday to be downright primitive and poor. So the question is, what percentage of population is not capable to pay for subistence, and is subsidized one way or the other through taxes. Those earn less then a slave.
Russia's troops had been in Crimea, as part of an agreement, since the 90s. Saying Russia invaded Ukraine today is like saying the USA also invaded Germany today since it has 50,000 troops there. Propaganda.
it sure is nice of the pentagon to brief the congress on what the united state foreign policy will be.
This is an unnecessary sop to the MIC…as usual, another exercise in pointless belligerence and bellicosity.
This is why I say that Ukraien is NATO's Munich. After spending years trying to impose Ukraine on NATO, the alliance has revealed itself as unwilling to actually defend a European country. Nuland's blunder could well have very far-reaching consequences in regard to NATO!
Foreign minister of Estonia that revealed the information about the new govenment's responsibility for sniper deaths — has been a shocker. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were considered such reliable corners. Planes are there to send THEM a message that the boss is displeased. And also to boost imperial supporters. Polish elites have expressed concern that they need a litte more money to be more understanding of US politicies, and to be against their own people that are up in arms over the Banderistas taking over Kyev, the people who killed tens of thousands of Polish civilians to advance Hitler's cause in Eastern Europe.
hagle quick to put other lives in danger, always
So NATO wasn't adequately prepared to defend the Baltic states until now ?