Selling Congress on another, wildly unpopular war is no easy task, and many see it as extremely doubtful Congress will ever agree to do so. The Obama Administration has a plan though: make it all about Israel.
Congress loves Israel with a passion, and getting Israel even remotely linked to a resolution is usually enough to ensure a landslide victory. But the administration’s claims that attacking Syria will “protect Israel” are not just cynical, they’re also extremely doubtful.
Ever since Obama indicated his intention to attack Syria, Israelis have been scrambling to get anti-chemical masks and fretting the prospect that the US attack will provoke retaliation against them, either overt by Syria or covert by Hezbollah or some other militia.
Because the Obama Administration’s attack would obviously put Israel at direct risk, officials are going to try to spin it as about intimidating Iran, arguing that attacking Syria on dubious allegations would make their constant threats to attack Iran more credible.
Israeli officials are desperately trying to stay out of the argument for war with Syria, but if the president looks like he’s going to lose, expect them to be dragged into the effort, no matter how unwillingly. urges all readers to contact their Congressmen and urge them to vote against attacking Syria. Click here for contract information.
YUP. can't have our special friend messing its pants from fear can we ? Heaven forbid they should get a taste of their own bitter medicine.
More like, "We'd better snap to it, because otherwise AIPAC will engineer a Republican victory in 2014 and 2016."
The Israelis should be forced to drink the bitter draught of their arrogant hubris. It would be best delivered via a forced-feeding tube.
You mean the way AIPAC "engineered" a McCain victory in 2008 and a Romney victory in 2012?
Delusion = a fixed, false belief not amenable to reason
Our tax money is used to protect another country. What a joke.
We could have saved a lot of money and effort and loss of good will by just destroying Israel, so that we didn't have to go around destroying the rest of the middle east for its sake.
Here we have a contributor to a site called "" advocating the DESTRUCTION OF A COUNTRY … and receiving numerous thumbs up, to boot.
It's actually sarcasm. To truly advocate you need an organized campaign that reaches out to the political establishment and to the populace.
Kissinger said: Balkanization of Syria is desirable to partition Syria. The policy of Israel in the ME in based on ODED YINON Strategy which says in order Israel to survive and expand then must partition the regional states based on religious and ethnic divide and establishes “greater Israel” to rule the region. Iran, Syria, Sudan Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt and more countries are the targeted states. Obama’s mission from the outset is to help Israel, using US treasure and blood, to fulfill this mission for his MASTERS, those who put him at the WH, using False Flag Operation to erect “greater Israel”. That's why he is called JEWISH PRESIDENT by many including JAMES PETRAS. His primary concern is the interest of “jewish state” as he calls the apartheid Israel, NOT America, to survive at the WH. That’s why we see so many “humanitarian intervention” pushed by the neocon pro Israel. The latest petition signed by 66 Neocon who pushed for Iraq war now are demanding destruction of Syria, Iran, Lebanon after destruction of Iraq, Libya, Sudan, and chaos in Egypt, and other countries in the region using “humanitarian intervention” as COVER.
All that bitter wars in Middle East is been about Saudis and Israel where USA and EU gained their economic "interests" for last 65 years, is just getting harder and harder to avoid wars any Longer.
The problem is not what Obama describes as a ethnic divisions or ethnic animosity between people of Middle East, the problem is the "interests" of governments as such and regimes as Saudis and Israelis that are the bitter rotten reason for not being able to avoid wars.
I doubt American intervention will be beneficial to Israel. When has American foreign intervention solved any problem? If we intervene in the Syrian civil war, we could end up by destroying Israel rather than saving it. With friends like this, Israel doesn't need any enemies.
Of course, you are right, but if Israel were really interested in getting along in that part of the World, they would do things that were positive like quitting their apartheid policies towards their own native people, the Palestinians. Then they wouldn't have to demand that America bomb all of their neighbors. But the weird thing about Israel is that they actually seem to prefer the way of cruelty, vengeance and eventual self-destruction. Israel seem to love having enemies – I think it is because they are perverse.
Don't the Arabs who comprise 21% of Israel qualify as "native people"? Why do you ignore the multitude of Israeli Arabs whose rights are guaranteed far more than they would be if they were living under Morsi or Assad or Nasrallah, or Saddam or Ghadaffi before them?
And if you DO concede that those 21% of Arabs qualify as "native people", then what do you think accounts for the discrepancies in status of the two different Arab communities? How could it be racism or apartheid if the 21% aren't similarly discriminated against?
"they actually seem to prefer the way of cruelty, vengeance and eventual self-destruction"
Anyone who could write something so ludicrous probably won't be able to answer my previous questions convincingly, but I thought I'd give it a try. This comment of yours proves that you'd rather impute slanderous nonsense to Israelis rather than acknowledge their arguments. Those arguments are there to be found, but not by people who would rather just make stuff up and pretend their asinine conclusions carry any weight.
Although Washington does not know it, American foreign policy is to protect American interests, not those of Israel. Yes, American is created in Tel Aviv and enforced by AIPAC and promoted by the American media but that in no way makes it legitimate .Israel has been an albatross around America's neck since its founding.
The Zionist will destroy America as they did to Europe.
Those who in Congress who do not put America First, Second and Third should be treated as Traitors!!! F_CK israel!!!
200 ready to go nuclear weapons armed to the teeth with the latest and obummer want to protect them what utter claptrap/rubbish.
sigh…People STILL don't get it..
Attacking Syria to protect Israel is PRECISELY what's at stake. The goal is to make Syria unable to be an effective actor again Israel in an IRAN war.
Get a CLUE, people! Syria on its own, chemical weapons or not, is NOT a significant threat to Israel. In concert with Hizballah and Iran, however, it is. Israeli politicians want a "cheap" war with Iran – one in which they don't have to deal with all three countries at once with costs to the Israeli economy.
Ditz STILL doesn't get it.
Israel doesn't want a war..They want the stupid Americans to fight and die for them.
To protect Israel we must all sacrifice our rights, our taxes, our own national security, our sanity, our morality and reason. Nothing is too dear for our precious 'ally'.