Top secret information on the Saudi Arabia’s activities around the time of the September 11, 2001 suggest the Saudi government might have played a direct role in the terrorist attacks, according to two former U.S. senators privy to such information.
In a multibillion-dollar lawsuit that has made its way through federal courts since 2002, plaintiffs are taking legal action against the Saudi government and dozens of institutions in the country for their alleged ties to al-Qaeda’s attacks on 9/11. The case is set to be reheard in United States District Court in Manhattan in the coming months.
“I am convinced that there was a direct line between at least some of the terrorists who carried out the September 11th attacks and the government of Saudi Arabia,” former Senator Bob Graham, Democrat of Florida said in an affidavit. Graham led a joint 2002 Congressional inquiry into the 9/11 attacks.
Another former senator, Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, also served on that inquiry and said in a his own sworn affidavit that “significant questions remain unanswered” about the role of Saudi institutions. “Evidence relating to the plausible involvement of possible Saudi government agents in the September 11th attacks has never been fully pursued,” Mr. Kerrey said.
Lawyers for the Saudis in the case as well as officials at the Saudi Embassy in Washington have declined to comment on the case. The Saudi government has denied the accusations of involvement and have sought to have the case dismissed.
The classified evidence seen by Graham and Kerrey has not been disclosed, but the New York Times reports, “unanswered questions include the work of a number of Saudi-sponsored charities with financial links to Al Qaeda, as well as the role of a Saudi citizen living in San Diego at the time of the attacks, Omar al-Bayoumi, who had ties to two of the hijackers and to Saudi officials.”
Despite these known concerns, or “unanswered questions,” Washington has kept up extremely close ties to the Saudi government, giving them huge annual arms packages and constantly referring to them as our close allies. More than that, U.S. foreign aggression since 9/11 has almost always had a pretext of fighting terrorism, state sponsors of terror, or those with ties to terrorists. All of those cases of U.S. aggression appear to have had less evidence of ties to al-Qaeda than Saudi Arabia.
Golly gee, what was the first clue? Those 15 Saudi hijackers? Billions in Saudi financing for Wahabbis?
Any way, forget that. Let's bomb Iran!
So one more piece of "information" for yet another war?
Top secret info eh?
Smart senator. What gave that away? Was it the fact that some 15 of the alleged perpetrators were from Saudi Arabia or some other far-fetched theory like that?
We keep forgeting "masters" behind "false flags"… Those who invented modern day terrorism and are very proud of it – starting King David Hotel 1946. …Maybe Saudis served and are no longer needed?
Zionism is full of suprises….peter czech
"Modern day terrorism," if such a thing can be said to exist, has been around long before 1946. It is older than "Zionism." Ask Czar Alexander II of Russia. "Terrorism" is a weapon of the weak. It is what governments call those who don't recognize that the state has a monopoly on violence.
this makes it sound like there are doubts. The saudis paid us for weapons in 82-85 which we sent to the taliban and al-qaeda via pakistan!… did our senators lose those deeds of sale to bin laden???
Did they also forget that 15 of the 19 hijackers from 9/11 were supposedly saudi?
How come our government cannot connect these golf ball sized dots but manage to come up with these ludicrous accusations about iran wanting to blow up a saudi ambassador in a fake restaurant using mexican drug dealers with a an alcoholic, simple minded, failed used car dealer as their middle man?????
Bob Graham has not been one of our smartest Senators. Once one checks his record,the senator's asinine ideas will ,quickly come to the surface. One question,though, begs to be asked: Senator, if you have any pertinent information, as you now claim,for the sake of truth, why did you let us decimate a 24 million people country( Iraq ) with the initial phony excuse That Saddam Husein had connection with the 9/11 terrorests? And why when that failed, you went along with the other phony excuse of the MUSHROOM CLOUD?
Bob Graham (D-FL) voted AGAINST the Iraq war. You may have him mixed up with the other Graham.
Watson,thanks for the correction.
I get mixed up with the two Nelsons all the time: Ben from Nebraska and Bill from Florida.
Saudis Kingdoms family and Bush regime were in this from the beginning, they wanted Iraq, Syria and Libyan government and their leaders dead. Iraq and Libyan regimes had the most to say about how feudalist the Saudis regimes is and acting, Saudis sect wanted and were looking for something to kill Saddam Hussein, Colonel Ghadafi, Bashir Al Assad, then come along Afghanistan where Bush regime did used Osama Bin Laden and give him Afghanistan as his religious sanctuary while fighting USSR, he was receiving any and all kind of support that he would needed, Bill Clinton continued helping the brutal feudalist Taliban regime after withdraw of red army with millions of US dollars, it was Saudis whom killed Shah Massoud the leader of Afghans Mojahedin, it was Saudis who highjacked those plaines in 9/11, the Iraq WMD was an excuse for Bush to help out Kuwaitis and Saudis Kingdoms by invading Iraq and killing Saddam, Bush family have a business relation with Saudis especially the Wahabbies sect, the Libyan and Syrian war was planed and introduced to Hillary Clinton and EU zionism government as Sarkozi of France and rest of the EU – Swedish government, later this plan was introduced to UN by Saudis and UAE where Libyan leader was killed and Libya is in the hand of bunch of feudalists as Saudis – UAE is. They wanted to do the same in Syria not knowing that Syria is not Libya nor Syria have a WMD for US and NATO militarism regime to start a war. Look people, is all comes to Paul Wolfowitz the father of all zionism idea in how and where US needs to strike to protect its “interests”, Israel is one of those regimes thats need to be used for that idea, Saudis and UAE are another. So is Hammid Karzai a handpicked former US Oil company servant now serving his masters from Saudis and UAE whom using US and NATO to do their dirty job in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the region.
Bill Clinton had sanctions on Afghanistan before 9/11 and also froze the assets of Bin Laden. The US was helping the Northern Alliance fight the Taliban. After 9/11 we ran right by the wealthy vigilante hiding out in his bat cave and took out the Taliban. Osama kept showing up in strange videos yet no one seriously seemed to look for him. Off to Iraq.
Of course the Saudi's wouldn't want to do this ya know muslim on muslim, so I could see it being of some benefit for them to have to someone else do it. High oil prices should be a cash boom for all our new friends with oil in the region.
are we sure he aint saying this to divert attention from maybe say israels possible invovlement
heck the z's had been trying for decades to drag the US into a was against the arabs…
that didnt work very well so they changed to the ..muslims….we all know americans dont like them
Maybe against other arab nations, but not against Saudi Arabia. I believe the Saudi's as well as some others had an interest in a pipeline deal that was going sour because of the fighting in Afghanistan. The US works with Saudi Arabia too and has for a long time but I'm sure they don't wish to be seen as being friendly in anyway with Israel, not good for appearances.
Didn't Michael Moore make a film called Fahrenheit 911 a long time ago? Why is this stuff coming up again now?
As is usually the case, the farther from the event time moves us, the more likely – and willing – people with "real" knowledge of said event are to reveal such knowledge. Perhaps they reach the limit of their silence – or conscience – or maybe it's just that they no longer feel reticent about being attacked by those with a vested interest in keeping such knowledge hidden.
But, as is usually the case, the truth will prevail – it just may take a while.
The Saudi are basically just an extension like Pakistan of British intelligence.
Anyway I don't know what exactly happened on 9/11 but I do know what the original 9/11 hijack plot was, how they were able to travel easily despite being monitored by several foreign and domestic security services throughout Europe and the US, transfer of thousands of dollars, ludicrous hijack flight plan that hit the Pentagon (and no it was not a missile) and why they were prevented from entering or arrested while in the US despite prior warning which is even confirmed by the official Bush administration narrative before they changed it and the Bin Ladin video itself.
It turns out that Adnan Khashoggi is helping finance the 9/11 “truth” movement in the US.
What is his connect and what does he not want you to know about 9/11?
Do you suppose all that abundant evidence of hijackers' involvement was actually planted like Easter eggs? Because given that the cell phone calls have been disproven, and the planes were not the types which allowed calls … well that's a rabbit hole isn't it? … it is impossible to know what really went on in a given flight, if it wasn't actually a drill going on in some warehouse already, at a military facility during another drill….
We know as little about the hijackers as we know about the actual events surrounding the death and sea burial of bin Laden. Those who wanted war in the Mideast held all the cards.
The only question is this one: what is our role, as individuals and as citizens? Where do we say that we are not going to be used again? When do we show our power not to be the instruments of the will of others?
Some like the "surviving"passports where planted for sure while other crucial leads like financial transactions were never perused.
As for the phones they had conversations with relatives including a TV producer or anchor so I doubt they are faked which they are asking the wrong question.
What they should be asking is if the plane is on a suicide mission involving all the hijackers what did they let the passengers for their relatives to let them know about it?
The original 9/11 plot highlighted in the initial French pre 9/11 terrorist warning and others after it was that Bin Ladin in 2000 meet with Taliban and Chechen leaders in Afghanistan on hijacking airliners in the US, landing them and demanding Russian forces leave Chechnya and release Islamic terrorists in US custody which is easy to pull off as there was already an Afghan-Pakistan-Turkish-Bosnia-British-Saudi-American network involved in recruiting and training terrorist to fight in Chechnya on behalf of western intelligence.…
As for the hijackers Dennis Hopsicker of Mad Cow Morning News has done fairly detailed research of Atta and the other hijackers stay while in Florida and there connections to the CIA and drug trafficking.
Does this mean we might soon be bombing Riyadh instead of Tehran?
(Sarcasm off)
The fact that the majority of the hijackers were Saudi was never a secret. It has been known since 2001. The nationalities of the 19 hijackers are: 15 Saudis, one Egyptian, one Lebanese and two from the Union of Arab Emirates (UAE). And the govt acknowledged that 9/11 was funded by a Saudi, to whom the hijackers refunded the unspent money just before getting on the planes.
The point being made is how did we get from this breakdown of the 9/11 hijackers nationalities to invading Afghanistan and Iraq. Why didn't we invade Saudi Arabia and at least the UAE back then? Although invasion itself is not to be wished for, wouldn't it have made a lot more sense back then?
It's coming up again now because judges just dismissed lawsuits against Saudi Arabia for damages.
I say it's about time they pinned Building 7 on Saudis.
I'm no fan of Bob Graham but, he's been talking about "governments" plural, having involvement with the 9-11 hijackers since Dec. 2002, if not before.…
In this piece, about half way through, he mentions this involvement. Saudi Arabia may be ONE of the countries involved. Who are the others?
Why does this not concern anyone in the halls of power?
Now there's some shocking news! Another good friend and ally looking out for its own best interests. I'd be looking at Israel too …. more to gain.
All smoke and mirrors dear friends.
The real terrorists don't wear sandals and flowing robes. The walk around as free men (and woman) in western capitals wearing suits & rolex's.