NATO forces launched an air strike early Thursday against the Tripoli suburb of Khellat al-Ferjan, and local media reports indicate that seven civilians were killed and 18 others were wounded in the strike.
NATO officials were quick to deny the reports, saying there was “no indication” any of the people killed were civilians. At the same time, they ruled out conducting any sort of investigation into the identities of those slain.
In spite of the denial, NATO Lt. Gen. Charles Bouchard issued a statement in the wake of the attacks urging Libyan civilians to “distance themselves from Gadhafi regime forces and equipment whenever possible.”
Several reports have emerged since the beginning of the war regarding civilian deaths in the NATO air strikes. The exact number of slain is virtually impossible to confirm, given the lack of journalists on the ground in Gadhafian territory.
And so it begins. By next month, it will be reading just like Pakistan. Well done!
Clinton compares Libya campaign to 1999 Kosovo
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday called for patience in judging the NATO campaign in Libya, comparing it to the 1999 Kosovo intervention that ended up ousting Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic.
"We've been at this a relatively short period of time," Clinton said. "I would remind you that the United States and other partners bombed targets in Serbia for 78 days."
Golly, Hillary, we just need to keep bombing for a couple of more months. I'm bored.
How quaint of her to want to match her and her husbands past murderous exploits. Even in the Kosovo "campaign" it ended up that NATO was incapable of doing any damage in the field to Serb forces so they went on a bombing rampage upon civilians nowhere near the disputed territory. Even blowing up a convoy of Albanian civilians. Sound familiar?
We said that from the beginning that there is no difference between Hillary Clinton and Madeline Albright and above is the proof. Hasim Taci was the Balkan Mafia.., he was helped and protected by the US and EU to start what was called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).., in Libya Hillary Clinton and Obama doing the same thing by supporting the mafia like terrorist Islamic groups as Muslims Brotherhood and Al Queida to oust the legitimate government of Libya, Libya and its social political infrastructures is based on socialism, the education is free, so as healthcare, helping elderly and other social issues.
None of the Arab rulers are legitimate including Ghaddafi. I doubt Jamal you are on the side of the oppressed Arab people. May be you should have been living in Libya to taste some of Ghaddafi,s kickass. This thug with his sons amassed big fortune aound 130 billions of dollars invested not in Libya where it should have been but in a western banks in favor of his family. Jamal..pls either shot ur mouth and put it where it belongs or educate yourself about the Arab world which your name sounds ARABIC but your knowledge which unortunatzly lacks common sense.
Can you educate us and provide some information to say that Ghaddafi has 130 billion? I don't mean to disbelieve what you say, but don't you think that if he had that much money in western banks, as you say, the West had already frozen it and made a big propaganda tool out of it?
Apart from proving me right to compare from the start the aggression against Libya with the one against Serbia in 1999, she remains faithful to her reputation of being an unrepentant liar. Remember how she came under sniper fire in Bosnia?
At the time of NATO's war against Serbia, I was working in the office of HRH Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, son of Prince Regent Paul, and I am quite well informed of how the situation evolved, and what contacts there were between the West and the Serbian opposition.
The West simply sabotaged all efforts to effect change in Serbia for as long as it didn't have control over its opposition. And it ensured control through corruption.
One last comment about Clinton's indignation at the use of cluster bombs. NATO dropped them on a market place, on a hospital and on a residential area in my home town. Due to a high rate of failure, unexploded ordnance got scattered all over those places. They continued killing and maiming after the bombing ended. One was found on the hospital roof years later.
Everybody is talking how many civilians the Nato killed but not how many Ghaddafi toop massacring every day with the help of the Israeli government. Ghaddafi paid Israel 10 % of his fortune to support him to savagely bomb his own people with Israeli machinary. Ghaddafi hinks Libya is a ift given to him and his family by God while he and his son Saiful Islam consider Libyan population sa rats hooked on drugs. It is the case in every Arabic country which the ruling class look down on regular people.
Are those the civilians you are talking about?
And, the argument "Israel is evil, evil Qaddhafi paid evil Israel, evil Israel helps evil Qaddhafi massacre poor innocent Libyan civilians" is so ludicrously puerile that one really wonders where you hid when God distributed intelligence.
Plain and simple MURDER of Libyan people by NATO.
There is no other worrd for it.