Showing an increasing resignation to America’s state of perpetual war, a poll conducted by Clarus Research Group shows that a vast majority of Americans, 68 percent, say the US will never win or lose the Afghan War, but it will merely continue unresolved.
The general consensus seems to be in keeping with comments from the Obama Administration, which has repeatedly ruled out settling on any sort of exit strategy. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates only yesterday declared that any withdrawal would give the appearance that the mujahideen had defeated a second superpower after a decade-long occupation.
Even officials within the White House have insisted that President Obama is being awfully vague about what he hopes to accomplish eight years into the war, the only thing Obama insists he’s not trying to accomplish is leaving.
Multiple polls have shown Americans firmly against the continuation of the conflict, and one would think this would portend an eventual end. Yet years of even larger opposition failed to end the war in Iraq, and today’s poll suggests Americans are now largely of the opinion that nothing they say can end a war their government is determined to continue.
"…today’s poll suggests Americans are now largely of the opinion that nothing [they] say can end a war their government is determined to continue."
That government of the people, by the people, for the people has perished from the earth. We need to overthrow what has taken its place.
"We need to overthrow what has taken its place. "
but then who will pay my medical bills!
Well, since you raise the subject, I have been self-employed since 2000. I pay directly for my health insurance. Over the last nine years, I have seen my premiums go up 160% (2.6 times what they were). Some of that increase is because I am in an older bracket, but there was a period when my rate was jumping up every six months. I feel more threatened by out-of-control health care costs than by the government acting as an insurance company. The latter does not increase the police power of the state (medicare did not create death panels) or start wars.
Disproportionate health care costs distort the economy by making people fearful of leaving jobs because they don't want to lose insurance benefits and by putting our goods at a price disadvantage internationally.
I am against big government that takes from the many in taxes and redistributes that wealth to the politically connected few. I am not against government that actually helps all the people who fund it.
Running a world empire means never having to admit a mistake, even if it means continuing the slaughter. What a shameful display. How do these people sleep at night?