In a Blow to Trump Plan, Israel Advances Housing Plan in Area Meant for Palestinians Israel to build Jewish neighborhood over planned site of Palestinian tourism center
Palestinian Authority Restores Ties to Israel After One Day of Cut Officials say one-day cut was just Abbas 'hint' at importance of ties
Palestinians Cut All Ties With Israel and United States Over Trump Plan Abbas says all ties, including security ties, are severed
US Envoy Warns Palestinians Not to Oppose Peace Plan at UN Palestinians oppose plan in 'strongest possible language'
Israel Reinforces in West Bank, Expecting Backlash Against Annexation Israeli soldiers fire tear gas at Palestinian protesters
Palestinians Threaten to Withdraw From Oslo Accords Over Trump Plan Erekat: Plan turns temporary occupation into a permanent one
Israel to Vote Sunday on Annexing 30 Percent of the West Bank Trump plan seen as green light for wholesale annexations
Report: Israel Retains Security Control Over Palestine Under Trump Deal US expects Palestinians to reject proposal
Israel Approves Construction of 1,950 Settlement Homes in West Bank NGO: 89% of construction is in settlements that may be evacuated in peace deal