Israeli Army Claims Slain Gaza Medic Wasn’t Shot Deliberately Officials promise to continue investigation
US Ambassador Slams US, Israeli Media for Gaza Coverage Says Israeli military assured him they had to kill the Gazans
Israel Promises Probe After Gaza Medic Shot in the Back Israeli snipers have shot 29 medics during Gaza protests
US Vetoes UN Resolution on Protecting Palestinians Competing US resolution overwhelmingly defeated in vote
US Will ‘Unquestionably Veto’ UN Draft on Protecting Palestinians Haley: Resolution is 'morally bankrupt'
Red Cross Sends War Surgeons, Equipment to Gaza to Treat Heavy Casualties Gazans in desperate need of treatment amid massive protest crackdowns
Ceasefire Quickly Returns Calm to Gaza-Israel Border Egypt brokered 'informal' deal, Israeli officials say
Israel, US Try to Block International Force for Gaza Strip US intends to veto measure at UN Security Council
Israel Won’t Cooperate With UN Probe on Gaza Killings Israel DM demands US leave UN Human Rights Council