Taiwan’s Opposition Party Calls for Official Ties With US Annual US-Taiwan defense conference was held on Monday and Tuesday
China Leads Call in UN for US to End ‘Coercive’ Sanctions US sanctions devastate the civilian population of target countries
Taiwan Prepares Weapons Shopping List for US Tensions rising between mainland China and Taiwan over the island's warming ties with Washington
Cambodia Denies Rumors of Chinese Military Base Speculation comes after Cambodia demolished US-funded facility at Ream Naval Base
China’s US Ambassador Calls for Better US-China Relations The ambassador said those promoting decoupling are inciting 'ideological confrontation and a new Cold War'
Congress Pressures Trade Official to Make Deal With Taiwan The push comes a day after the US and Taiwan announced infrastructure project for the Indo-Pacific and Latin America
US and Taiwan to Partner on Infrastructure Projects Washington continues to increase ties with Taipei to counter China
Vatican Criticizes Pompeo’s Handling of China Issues Pope denies an audience with Pompeo, citing US election season
Portugal Rejects US Threats Over China Relations The US regularly pressures European countries not to do business with China