Japan Defense Minister Meets With US Commander About China Meeting came a few days after Pompeo met in Tokyo with representatives from Japan, India, and Australia
US Warns China Against Taiwan Attack National security advisor encourages Taiwan to increase military spending
Taiwan Spent Almost $900 Million This Year Scrambling Against China Chinese military flights near Taiwan sparked by US visit
US Says Taiwan’s Defense Budget Increase Is Not Big Enough Annual US-Taiwan defense conference held on Monday and Tuesday
Pompeo Slams China in Tokyo Visit, Seeks Asian Alliance Representatives from the US, Japan, Australia, and India known as the 'Quad' met on Tuesday
Taiwan’s Opposition Party Calls for Official Ties With US Annual US-Taiwan defense conference was held on Monday and Tuesday
China Leads Call in UN for US to End ‘Coercive’ Sanctions US sanctions devastate the civilian population of target countries
Taiwan Prepares Weapons Shopping List for US Tensions rising between mainland China and Taiwan over the island's warming ties with Washington
Cambodia Denies Rumors of Chinese Military Base Speculation comes after Cambodia demolished US-funded facility at Ream Naval Base