Esper: Pentagon School to Focus Half of Its Curriculum on China Pentagon chief also touts plan to increase US Navy fleet to 500 ships by 2045
US Flew 60 Spy Planes Near China’s Coast in September Beijing-based think tank also recorded US military planes disguising themselves as civilian aircraft in the region
White House Advancing More Arms Sales to Taiwan Trump administration notified Congress about five potential weapons sales to Taipei this week
US Moving Forward With Three Arms Sales to Taiwan Trump administration continues to increase ties with Taipei to counter China
China Tells US to Halt Provocations in South China Sea US destroyer John McCain entered waters near disputed Paracel Islands
Japan Defense Minister Meets With US Commander About China Meeting came a few days after Pompeo met in Tokyo with representatives from Japan, India, and Australia
US Warns China Against Taiwan Attack National security advisor encourages Taiwan to increase military spending
Taiwan Spent Almost $900 Million This Year Scrambling Against China Chinese military flights near Taiwan sparked by US visit