US General: China and Russia are a ‘Growing Threat’ in Space Space Force commander says space is a contested area
Japan and China Agree to Coordinate on East China Sea China wants the waters to be 'the sea of peace, friendship and cooperation'
US Navy Admiral Visits Taiwan, Stoking Tensions With Beijing The Visit is seen as part of the Trump administration's last-minute escalations with China
Trump Administration to Blacklist 89 Chinese Firms for Alleged Military Ties The list includes 28 Russian entities
US Provides Missiles to Philippines, Pledges Support in South China Sea O'Brien said any attack on Philippine aircraft or vessels in South China Sea would trigger mutual defense treaty
Sen. Coons Says the US Must Prepare for a Conflict With China The senator is a top contender to be Biden's secretary of state
US Commander Welcomes New Japan-Australia Military Pact Japan, Australia, India, and US increasing cooperation to counter China
Biden Says US and Allies Must Counter China’s Influence in Trade Comments came after China signed major trade deal with 14 other countries
US Navy Planning to Form New Fleet in Indo-Pacific to Face China First Fleet would be established to increase US Navy's footprint in the region
US Bombers Enter China’s Air Defense Zone in East China Sea Two US B-1B Lancer bombers entered China's ADIZ after taking off from Guam