Obama: US Can’t Be in Afghanistan ‘in Perpetuity’ Nine Years After Invasion, Claims of 'Progress' Ring Hollow
Syria: Israel’s Scud Accusation May Be Pretense for Attack Reports Have Hezbollah Receiving Old, Unusable Scuds
US Pullout From Afghan Outpost Leaves Pakistani Army Fuming Bajaur Invasion Drove Hundreds of Militants Across Afghan Border
Iraqiya Declares Success as Iran Backs ‘Inclusive’ Govt Allawi Security Guarantee Likely Key in Courting Iranian Favor
Iraq Shuts Airports, Claims 9/11-Style Attack Foiled Pilot, Airport Worker Arrested Over Elaborate 'Plot'
Cyber Chief Nominee: Unclear if US Cyber Attacks Any Deterrent at All Billions Spent on Largely Classified Cyber Command
Maliki Aides Claim Sadr Alliance to Be Announced Soon Reported Deal Could Cut Iraqiya Out of Government