UN Report: 346 Afghan Children Killed in 2009, Mostly by NATO Largest Portion of Killings Came in Air Strikes
US Drones Destroy North Waziristan House, Killing Nine Official Story Continues to Change as Identities of 'Suspects' Remain Unclear
Gates: European Aversion to War a Danger to Peace US Defense Secretary Slams 'Demilitarization of Europe'
British Military Chiefs: More Troops Needed Thousands of Additional Troops Needed to Continue Afghan War
Iraq to Sue Over Fake Bomb Detectors Scientists Say Devices Essentially a 'Car Antenna Mounted on a Plastic Box'
Karzai Moves to Eliminate UN Oversight in Future Elections Afghan President Will Now Handpick Entire Election Commission
1,000 Americans Slain in Operation Enduring Freedom So Far 8+ Year Operation Covers Afghan War, Three Other Smaller Conflicts