China Leads Call in UN for US to End ‘Coercive’ Sanctions US sanctions devastate the civilian population of target countries
Taiwan Prepares Weapons Shopping List for US Tensions rising between mainland China and Taiwan over the island's warming ties with Washington
US Diplomat Pushes for Ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh Azerbaijan wants Turkey to be involved in future peace process
Armenia and Israel Discuss Azerbaijan Weapons Sales Azerbaijan is using Israeli and Turkish drones in its fight against Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh
Death Toll Rises in Nagorno-Karabakh Azerbaijan and Armenia accuse each other of attacking civilian areas
Israel to Advance Plans for 4,400 New Settlement Homes Israel demolished a record number of Palestinian homes this year
Cambodia Denies Rumors of Chinese Military Base Speculation comes after Cambodia demolished US-funded facility at Ream Naval Base
Bipartisan Bill Would Give Israel Veto Powers Over US Arms Sales Bill would require the president to consult with Israel over Middle East weapons sales
Iranian Fuel Stolen by US Discharges in New York US seized 1.1 million barrels of Iranian fuel in July that was bound for Venezuela
Syrian Fighter Details His Experience in Nagorno-Karabakh UK-based Syrian observatory said 28 Syrian fighters have been killed in Nagorno-Karabakh