US Officials Fear Arrest Over Saudi War Crimes in Yemen State Department has come under fire for facilitating arms sales to the Saudis and suppressing evidence of legal issues raised by Yemen war
South African Intel Source Denies Report of Iranian Plot to Kill US Ambassador Politico reported on Sunday that Iran was weighing a plot to kill the US ambassador to South Africa in retaliation for the killing of Gen. Soleimani
Stratcom Chief Sounds Alarm Over China’s Nuclear Arsenal Adm. Richard says China's arsenal 'inconsistent' with no-first-use policy, a policy the US refuses to adopt
Biden Lays Out Iran Policy in New Op-Ed The former VP says he will bring Iran back into the nuclear deal
US Commander: Intel Still Hasn’t Corroborated Russia Bounty Story After a detailed review, no links were found to verify the claim that Russia offered the Taliban bounties to kill US troops in Afghanistan
Israel Intel Chief: We’ll Act Against US Sale of F-35s to UAE Netanyahu denies any knowledge of F-35 sale as part of normalization
US Defends its Illegal Presence in Syria US troops in Syria clashed with both Russian and Syrian government forces in August
Israeli Defense Minister Pushing for 5,000 New Settlement Homes in West Bank Netanyahu and Gantz at odds over power-sharing deal
Hundreds of US Troops Arrive in Lithuania for Drills Near Belarus’ Border Since August election, Belarusian President Lukashenko has accused NATO of building up forces to oust him