Largest Israeli Demolition in a Decade Leaves Dozens of Palestinians Homeless Israeli demolitions in the West Bank reach four year high
US Military Took Cyber Action Against ‘Adversaries’ Before Election FBI, Military, and CIA have been launching offensive cyber attacks
Russia Considering an Iranian Proposal for Nagorno-Karabakh Thousands killed in the fighting that broke out on September 27th
A Biden Administration Would Keep a Military Presence in Syria Advisor said Biden would prevent reconstruction in Syria until political reform was made
Campaign Official Says Biden Would Keep Golan Heights Recognition Biden has said he would not reverse US embassy's move to Jerusalem
US, India, Japan, and Australia Hold Naval Drills Aimed at China Quad countries are drilling together for the first time in over a decade
Pentagon Draws Down Officers From Middle East and African Embassies US military is repositioning resources to face China and Russia
UN: Nagorno-Karabakh Attacks Could Be War Crimes Over 1,000 killed in the fighting that began on September 27th
New US Sanctions are Choking Iran’s Insulin Supplies Latest measures against Iran's financial sector are exacerbating existing medicine shortages
Israeli Demolitions of Palestinian Homes Reach Four-Year High Israel also advanced plans for a record number of settlements