State Department to Release Cold War-Style Papers on China’s Rise The document is inspired by a 1947 essay from George Kennan, where he outlined the policy of containment to face the Soviet Union
Pentagon Announces Troop Drawdowns in Afghanistan and Iraq Plan is to bring troop numbers down to 2,500 in each country
President Trump Could Withdraw Most US Troops From Somalia Over 700 US troops are in Somalia, Trump's plan could bring most home
Ethiopian Government Launches Airstrikes on Tigray’s Capital Hundreds reported killed in the fighting, 25,000 refugees fled to Sudan
Armenian Foreign Minister Quits Over Nagorno-Karabakh Ceasefire Backlash Turkey submitted a motion to its parliament to deploy peacekeepers
Senator McConnell Speaks Out Against Afghanistan Withdrawal Says a rapid withdrawal would 'delight the people who wish us harm'
NYT: President Trump Was Talked Out of Attacking Iran Citing anonymous sources the Times said Trump reviewed options to strike Iran's main nuclear facility after IAEA report came out
Trump Plans to Designate Yemen’s Houthis as Terrorist Organization The designation could hurt efforts to end war in Yemen
Trump Plans a Series of Actions Against China Before Biden Inauguration NSC spokesman said it would be 'politically suicidal' for future president's to reverse Trump's actions
CNN: Military Expecting Order for Troop Drawdowns in Iraq and Afghanistan Plan is to have 2,500 troops in Afghanistan and 2,500 in Iraq by Jan 15th