US Military Releases Data on Civilian Harm During War Against ISIS US-led coalition concedes to 1,410 civilian deaths
Bipartisan Resolution to End War in Yemen Will Be Introduced in the House President Trump vetoed similar legislation in 2019
Pompeo Brags About Destroying Iran’s Economy as US Slaps on New Sanctions New sanctions target a foundation tied to the ayatollah and Iran's intel minister
President Trump Sets Tripwire For Attack on Iran A source told The Washington Post if an American is killed and it can be 'tied back to instructions from Iran' it would spark immediate US response
Ethiopian PM Vows ‘Final’ Offensive in Tigray Region US condemns Tigrayan leaders for attacking Eritrea
Turkey’s Parliament Approves Peacekeeper Deployment to Azerbaijan The US, France and Russia will hold talks in Moscow over the Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire
Iran Vows Response to US Strike After NYT Report Said Trump Mulled Attack Officials fear Israel or Saudi Arabia could take advantage of situation and start war with Iran, US F-16s moved from Germany to UAE
Biden Says US and Allies Must Counter China’s Influence in Trade Comments came after China signed major trade deal with 14 other countries
US Navy Planning to Form New Fleet in Indo-Pacific to Face China First Fleet would be established to increase US Navy's footprint in the region