Iran Calls for Drop of ‘Snapback’ Sanctions in Future Talks Comments indicate Iran might be more flexible in negotiations with the Biden administration
Report: Israel Plotting How to Sabotage Biden’s Return to Iran Deal Israel's PM and defense minister at odds over Biden's Iran policy
US Cancels UN Envoy’s Trip to Taiwan Trip was canceled along with all travel by State Department officials for transition period
Pompeo Accuses Iran of al-Qaeda Ties Claims of an al-Qaeda-Iran alliance have been repeatedly debunked
Report: Pompeo to Accuse Iran of al-Qaeda Links on Tuesday Congress and intelligence agencies doubt the al-Qaeda-Iran connection Pompeo is poised to make
Aid Groups Sound the Alarm Over Houthi Terror Designation The designation will hamper aid deliveries to Houthi-controlled areas where 70% of Yemen's food-insecure population lives
Pentagon Continues Afghanistan Drawdown Despite Law to Block It The 2021 NDAA included an amendment that blocks funds for Afghanistan withdrawal until reports are submitted to Congress
Israel Approves Construction of 800 New Settler Homes in West Bank Move comes during the final days of the Trump administration, which has seen a record amount of settler construction
Trump Administration Designates Cuba as State Sponsor of Terror The move will hamper the incoming Biden administration's plans to work towards normalization with Cuba
Pompeo Lifts Restrictions on Official US Contacts With Taiwan Move comes ahead of US ambassador's planned Taiwan visit