Pentagon Not Clear on Regional Troop Presence Plans After Afghanistan Pullout The US military wants to maintain the ability to bomb Afghanistan and is considering repositioning forces in neighboring countries
US Again Blocks UN Security Council Statement on Gaza, Jerusalem Violence The US said such a statement would be 'unhelpful'
US, Japan, France Hold First Joint Drills in Japanese Territory With Eye on China Japan is looking to boost military cooperation with 'like-minded' countries
US Refuses to Condemn Israeli Airstrikes That Killed Palestinian Children At least 65 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, including 15 children
Gaza Death Toll Mounts, 67 Dead, Including 17 Children Netanyahu said Israel will step up the 'might and frequency' of its bombings
Pakistan Rules Out Hosting US Military After Afghanistan Withdrawal The US wants to move forces leaving Afghanistan to neighboring countries
CENTCOM: Afghanistan Withdrawal 6 to 12 Percent Complete The US has removed 104 C-17 cargo planes worth of material out of Afghanistan
Iran Rejects Pentagon Claim of ‘Harassment’ in Strait of Hormuz A US Coast Guard Cutter fired warning shots at Iranian boats in the waters
Chinese Scholars Say Biden’s China Policy Is More Similar to Trump’s Than Expected Biden has said the US is in competition with China to 'win the 21st century'
Iran May Extend IAEA Inspection Deal If Nuclear Talks are on ‘Right Track’ The progress of the Vienna talks has been slow, although Iranian officials have been speaking positively of the negotiation