Nissim Vaturi, the deputy speaker of the Israeli Knesset, has called for all adult men in Gaza to be killed in the latest example of genocidal rhetoric from an Israeli official.
“Who is innocent in Gaza? Civilians went out and slaughtered people in cold blood,” Vaturi told Kol BaRama radio. “We need to separate the children and women and kill the adults in Gaza, we are being too considerate.”
Vaturi, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, referred to the Palestinians in Gaza as “subhumans” and “scoundrels” and said no one in the world wants to take them in. “The international community understands that the residents of Gaza are not welcome anywhere and is pushing them towards Israel,” he said.
The deputy speaker also said the city of Jenin in the occupied West Bank will soon turn into Gaza as Israel is ramping up its assault there. He said Palestinians being freed from Israeli jails as part of the Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal should be put in Jenin so they could be “eliminated” later on.
“Erase Jenin. Don’t start looking for the terrorists – if there’s a terrorist in the house, take him down, tell the women and children to get out,” Vaturi said.
Last year, Vaturi claimed there were “no innocents” in Gaza and called for the entire place to be “burned down” so Israeli soldiers wouldn’t get hurt.
“What does it mean to burn? To go in and rip them apart. There should be no thoughts, no considerations. The soldiers of the IDF should not think for one second and be hurt because we need to be humane,” Vaturi said.
Such rhetoric from Israeli officials has been cited in South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice to demonstrate Israel’s intent to commit genocide.
I'd love to cut off all US aid to that genocidal state, and watch them squirm.
I'd love to see Bernie Sanders as POTUS.
No way! He’s horrible on the Ukraine war. A total, compromised sellout.
In reality, traitorous Trump is a sellout.
Bernie Sanders: “Trump likes what Putin does”.
Why would the US cut aid to Israel?
Would a dog bite off its own tail?
A dog would be well advised to bite off its own tail if that tail was cancerous.
Well, if it is any less despicable is perhaps subject for a philosophical debate, but for an Israeli it is quite a step up in the realm of human morality to call for the complete eradication of adults. There has until now been no sign of them having any problem with targeting infants for complete eradication.
At least 2,406 children have been killed or injured since the escalation of the war in Ukraine.
Russia has forcibly transferred almost 20 thousand Ukrainian children to areas under its control, assigned them Russian citizenship, forcibly adopted them into Russian families, and created obstacles for their reunification with their parents and homeland. The United Nations has stated that these deportations constitute war crimes. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for President of Russia Vladimir Putin (who has explicitly supported the forced adoptions, including by enacting legislation to facilitate them) and Children's Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova for their alleged involvement. According to international law, including the Genocide Convention, such acts constitute genocide if done with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a nation or ethnic group.
Ukrainian children have been abducted by the Russian state after their parents had been arrested by Russian occupation authorities or killed in the invasion, or after becoming separated from their parents in an active war zone. Children have also been abducted from Ukrainian state institutions in occupied areas, and through children's "summer camps" on Russian territory. The abducted children have been subject to Russification; raising children of war in a foreign nation and culture may constitute an act of genocide if intended to erase their national identity.
So much for a philosophical debate on the morality of Vladimir Putin.
This thread concerns the ASI and Palestinians.
Putin, alleged (and largely debunked) mass kidnappings by the RF, are at best irrelevant here and at worst, baiting Whataboutism.
This thread attracts pro-Putin hypocrites who parrot Kremlin propaganda.
It also attracts people still stuck in 2006 who still think pithy memes are a valid substitute for thoughtful, reasoned discourse.
"At least 2,406 children have been killed or injured since the escalation of the war in Ukraine….Russia has forcibly transferred almost 20 thousand Ukrainian children."
1/ The topic is whether it makes sense to distinguish between the evil of Israel calling for the murder of all adult male Gazans versus its even more indiscriminate 'there-are-no-innocent' and 'Amalek-type' calls for murdering every Gazan man, woman and child.
2/ "So much for a philosophical debate on the morality of Vladimir Putin"?
Oh, good: now that you've dispatched with the question of Putin's morality, can't wait for yr view of the article & thread topic – Israel's various calls for genociding the Gazan people…
3/ …ideally in yr own words, vs. plagiarizing Wikipedia again.
I can't wait for you to discover my other three comments on this thread.
"can't wait for you to discover my other three comments on this thread."
1/ Great.
2/ Still no independent thought beyond 'choice of link.'
3/ Keep working on not plagiarizing:
"Case filed at ICC to prosecute Israe-"?
See? Ya did it again:
Posted w/o quotations or source, a reader is led to think it's your own words – aka, 'independent thought' – commenting on the vid.
4/ Advance thanks for owning up and fixing it. Oh – and the wiki plagiarism post, while yr at it.
I miss when trollbots actual put a tiny bit of effort into choosing a Disqus username instead of just saying, "meh, whatever default account name I get for my flurry or irrelevancies is just fine."
I miss having trolls put a bit of effort into their criticisms, instead of choosing to demonstrate their childish nature.
I appreciate that criticism of yourself. Who says AI can't be honestly introspective ?
Additionally – you got one thing right, if only by accident. Indeed; CHILDREN can figure out you're a low-effort troll who gives so little a s**t about actually engaging intellectually that you Could. Not. Be. Bothered. to even create a Disqus persona by which to interact.
"Defaulty McTrollname" too much work to name yourself, just go with whatever Disqus assigns your burner e-mail address ?
1/ Great.
2/ Still trying to create a pointless argument.
3/ Keep talking bullshit.
4/ Fuck you very much.
Who do you think you're convincing with this petulant flailing you're on about ?
Who do you think you're impressing with your petulant trolling?
Projecting your faults onto others. Unconvincing.
"Still trying to create a pointless argument."
Nupe, case closed – as a serial plagiarist, yr rep is ruined, and now few who read this thread will take you seriously.
Care about yr rep? Don't want "pointless argument"? Don't plagiarize.
Who wants that debate?
I read it as, "Adults first, then later, the 'little snakes'…"
"perhaps subject for a philosophical debate"
…guessing ethics philosophers would see it as kind of a 'how many murdering israeli sociopaths could fit on the head of a pin' type debate…
…vs. just one more variation on the genocidal theme of 'accusations of collective guilt to justify the planned mass murder of a group.'
“Who is innocent in Gaza? Civilians went out and slaughtered people in cold blood,” Vaturi told Kol BaRama radio. “We need to separate the children and women and kill the adults in Gaza, we are being too considerate.”
Where have you've heard such evil before? History in its in your face irony.
Israeli children sing about the glory of genocide on state TV.
Friendship Song 2023, Israel. "אנחנו ילדי דור ניצחון"
Case filed at ICC to prosecute Israeli officials for incitement to genocide.
Incitement to genocide and genocide are two separate crimes under the Rome Statute, which sets out the remit and powers of the ICC. The submission argues that incitement to genocide must be independently investigated and prosecuted.
nausea anger
This is far from being the first time they did this. They’ve been doing this kind of crap for decades…evil as evil is
According to the Old Testament, they've been doing this shit for millenary.
Zionism has only existed in anything like organized form since the late 19th century.
The Bible presents the Amalekites as living in the Negev area, now in modern Israel. While the Amalekite nation no longer exists, the memory of a devious enemy lives on in the minds of all Zionist war mongers.
Israel is obviously a genocidal, racist, supremacist state.
Civilized people wish to punish the guilty only.
And Israel biggest supporter in world is the convict felon trump.
Sounds more like the Germans in days of old…
How oddly reminiscent….
Well today's Germans are not in any way different. They are unwaveringly genocidal, no less sadistic than they ever were. They just switched one Untermensch for another. Just to mention the irrelevant: of course there are exceptions to the rule, there always were. The rule however remains.
Today's GOP are no different.
The GOP gig is just one of many for fElon.
This guy is a real sweetheart. He is a bit more merciful than the Torah directive where allegedly Moses says:
"Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. But all the young girls who have not known man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves." Numbers 31:17-18
You don't find any equivalent passage in Muslim scripture. And you don't hear Hamas leaders saying anything remotely close to what this American ally says.
In fact Hamas says this in their Charter.:
16. "Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project, not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity."
… And we're supposed to believe Moses actually said that… or was it doctored by you know who…?!
It gets worse.
The bulk of biblical scholarship, Christian, Judaism, and secular, holds that "Moses" almost certainly did not exist.
There's probably as much historical support for Moses as for Odysseus.
Actually there's circumstantial support for the voyage of Odysseus, in that they can locate many of the locations written about and the winds and currents certainly could carry a traveler to them in that order. Beyond that the gods only know (ask Poseidon, he'd probably know.)
Oral history when recited in song can be very accurate, peoples on entirely different Polynesian archeapeligos that hadn't communicated for centuries were able to travel between them based on memorized songs.
I’m not asking Poseidon a gat-damn’d thing. After that s**t he and Pallas Athene pulled on poor Medusa, his petulant pettiness towards Odysseus for one minor overlooked sacrifice…f**k that guy.
Details the ancients knew about prevailing wind and sea currents is unremarkable in terms of fictional narratives.
“The da Vinci Code” contains enough real details to convince people NOW that it’s true, not to mention in 500 years when removed from context. A Spider-Man comic unearthed in the ruins of New York City 1,500 years from now won’t prove Spider-Man was real. And the application of real “hard science” in Weir’s “The Martian” doesn’t mean that story happened, either.
Jerusalem is and was a real city for thousands of years; does not mean thousands of zombies rose from their graves and wandered the city in 1st century CE when an itinerant apocalyptic rabbinical preacher was crucified.
Lol. First of all some in the Tribe don't believe that he existed in the first place. For us, its simple. If previous texts agree with what we have its redundant. If it contradicts what we have its rejected. If its in between, we are agnostic on that point. This contradicts what we have so its rejected. But I get your point.
This man will probably get a "tap on the shoulder" in the not-too-distant future and he won't know where it came from, but he will regret these sentiments BIG TIME!
The quotes never end, and the checks and weapons keep flowing.
"The quotes never end, and the checks and weapons keep flowing."
"Keep flowing"? Well, the weapons flow, yea…
…but what of the raging battle between the frenzied cheerleaders of disinhibited murder, and the equally impassioned, opposing cries of, 'Well, you can understand Israeli feelings – and who are we to judge from the outside?'
I'm not primarily interested in judgment.
I'm interested in ending all US aid to Israel. I get to be a "li'l judgee" about that, no?
"I get to be a 'li'l judgee' about that, no?"
yes, of course we all do.
kindly re-read…the 'opposing' views are 'feverish genocidal' vs 'scummy apologetics'…
…ie, the 'range of opinion' in yr post to j smith…
Where is the outrage from western leaders, officials, spokesmen, media talking heads? Had this statement come from any other official in any other country other than the civilized and enlightened west the outrage and condemnation will be non-stop and loudest.
Western leaders, officials, spokesmen, media talking heads and any country that remain silent on the Gaza genocide are actually evils deep inside…! There's no other explanation…!
"The West" has a centuries long history of brutal imperialism and settler colonialism.
IMO, that's where an historical explanation canbe found.
Israel has killed hundreds of thousands since its founding, but still has a long way to go to catch up with the West.
But they've got nukes, so they have a shot at it!
Supporters of Israel control all major media in the US.
Acceptable opinion ranges supporting Israel's "right to self-defense, but couldya be a li'l less ruff" to 'Israel has a god-given right to all of Palestine! Let the relocation aka genocide begin! And anyway Hamas made us do it so they're responsible for any genocide." is a haven for opinion outside the acceptable "war on terrorists" dogma.
"We need to separate the children and women and kill the adults in Gaza…"
Notice the inherent biblical racism against women there – "kill the adults, which women aren't."
Well, this certainly does not help Trump's posture, as of Sunday from a spokesperson, that he wants "the killing to stop, the deaths of innocent people to stop." This said in the context of Ukraine but what about Gaza and the West Bank? Not good PR, surely, as he said prior to the inauguration. It does stop short of killing all infant males. For now.
Trump wants the killing in Palestine to stop as well, once all the Palestinians have been "transferred."
"You can do it the easy way, or the hard way" says the don.
Thank you, Nissim, for so clearly and perfectly demonstrating to the world why you and your Zionist ilk are so abhorred.
"KILL all the adults," he foams at the mouth.
Meanwhile as american college students are protesting this: "Deport all foreign anti-semites from the USA," he slobbers while pounding his fist in Israel, thousands of miles away
It's anti-Semitic to deny the Zionists their biblical right to kill those other "Semites", those Palestinians, who really don't exist and never have, ever existed, but are all bloodthirsty terrorists anyway.
So an open advocacy of Genocide…… that makes him no different from the Neo Nasties that locked up Jews in the Warsaw Ghettos and starved and starved them to death. That makes Nissim Vatur little different from Heydrich…… we shouldnt forget that the Irgun of Which Netanyahu's Party evolved from dealt with Himmler during WWII giving the Germans i9ntelligence as to British Troop movements.
"giving the Germans intelligence as to British Troop movements."
I wasn't aware of that.
Living proof that the myth that we should respect these vermin is a fucking lie. Screw the Israeli Lobby and every single thing it stands for.