The Biden administration said Tuesday that it will not limit weapons transfers to Israel despite Israel’s failure to meet US demands to increase aid levels in Gaza amid the starvation blockade and ethnic cleansing campaign in northern Gaza.
The administration sent a letter to Israeli officials on October 13, giving Israel 30 days to allow more aid into Gaza, but it did not explicitly say there would be consequences. Tuesday marked the end of the 30-day deadline, and Israel didn’t come close to meeting the US demands. The State Department said it won’t change any policies toward Israel, confirming the letter was nothing more than a pre-election public relations ploy.
The letter said Israel must increase aid deliveries to 350 trucks per day, but State Department spokesman Vedant Patel claimed the US doesn’t even know how many trucks have entered the Strip in the last 30 days. The UN has said it has only received 39 trucks per day since the beginning of October.

Patel also claimed that Israel took some steps to improve the situation, but aid groups said on Tuesday that the situation in Gaza has only gotten worse since the US sent the letter and that the aid levels are at the lowest point yet.
“Israel not only failed to meet the US criteria that would indicate support to the humanitarian response but concurrently took actions that dramatically worsened the situation on the ground, particularly in northern Gaza,” a group of aid organizations said.
Patel also claimed that Israel’s conduct was not in violation of US foreign assistance laws that prohibit military aid to countries that commit human rights abuses and purposely block humanitarian aid. The Biden administration has ignored hundreds of reports of US weapons being used by Israel to kill civilians unnecessarily.
US military aid is enabling Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign, which has cut northern Gaza in half as Israeli forces are focusing on cleansing the cities of Jabalia, Beit Hanoun, and Beit Lahia, where no aid has been allowed since early October. Israeli media has acknowledged the ethnic cleansing campaign, and the Israeli military has said it won’t allow Palestinian residents to return to their homes, which are being destroyed.
Without US military aid, Israel wouldn’t be able to continue its genocidal war. A senior Israeli Air Force official recently acknowledged that without the US support, Israel couldn’t sustain operations in Gaza for more than a few months.
It does not matter. What ever action the US takes against Israel, Israel will just wait it out until Jan 20.
The US does not take any action against Israel. Ever. The Zionist Lobby has the Americans by the balls and the Americans for some reason seem to like to be squeezed in them real hard. It is hard to understand certain perversions sometimes.
The US used to pay lipservice to human rights and other such frivolities that don't apply to them, but even the theatricals, however confabulatory, have been tossed out of the window.
The US has committed itself to committing genocide of the Palestinian people. The Israeli have committed to outdoing the Nazi's. It is seen by the world as such and this recognition lead the US to seek to corrupt global institutions in order to do so. The US is for the moment still nominally careful to avoid the optics of committing itself to land theft in service of their Zionist fetishism, but it does that too. The US has become identical with moral bankruptcy.
President Johnson did nothing after Israel attempted to sink the U.S.S. Liberty. Israeli pilots machine gunned U.S. sailors in their lifeboats, and in the water.
Johnson had the U.S. Navy aircraft on their way to engage the Israeli pilots called back.
Thirty-four dead. One hundred and seventy one injured.
A "day of infamy". A day proving that Israel is free from the U.S. punishing Israel. Ever.
Your beloved Israel is in for surprises it never imagined. It can lie thieve, murder, and rape, but it will never exist as it did before October 7th.
This reminds me of a dialogue exchange in an obscure Charles Bronson movie titled St. Ives. Bronson's eponymous PI character had just been informed that a minor player in his case had been found murdered. The informant opined that Boykins' demise did not matter, given that he was so insignificant. St. Ives' reply: "It mattered a great deal to Boykins."
In this case…to Gaza and its citizens.
Agreed. Shows our age. I like when he said, "Will I get paid?" Did you just watch it?
I remembered the Boykins line from when I saw the movie first run. I guess it's time for me to scroll my Roku menus for a repeat viewing.
It's good cop, bad cop, we realize; but despite Israel's best efforts to sell itself in the bad cop role, it's hard to tell sometimes … the perversity of the Biden administration and its minions is just so extreme …
Having watched the press conference, it's Sociopath Cop and Other Sociopath Cop.
Caitlin Johnstone:
So….. Israel kills dozens of women and children a day using weapons provided for free by the USA, then Israel starves the rest of the population of Gaza. Washington DC issues a sternly worded letter…. then green lights the continuation and the expansion of these atrocities.
And the Trump regime will do the the same or worse. Washington DC aka "the swamp" is rotten to the core.
They know they can act with impunity. The last time an American citizen made the federal government face consequences for their actions was almost 30 years ago.
Mark Thomason, this political balloon didn't even float!? What happened!? It's like it was made from lead and filled with manure.
Whoever produced this sham letter thought it could make a difference in the elections. But, it didn't. We either weren't stupid enough to believe it, or we simply don't care anymore about appearing morally superior.
Hypocrisy, much?!…
With Joe Biden as President, it's no wonder that Vice-president K. Harris lost the presidential election.
The Biden-Harris administration told the Israeli government, on October 13, that it had 30 days to allow vital aid to the Gaza population to stop the starvation.
Guess what! These were empty words.
No wonder that B. Netanyahu ignored the request. There were no consequences to spit on the US demands.
Bibi used the letter to light his cigar.
Her loss had little to do with Gaza – with the exception of some Arab/Muslim districts. Most Americans only care about themselves. The economy and the border are primarily why Harris lost
The letter was used for Bibi to light his cigar.
Children live what they learn…
Of course! I had a very slight hope that they would honor their word this time and impose an arms embargo on Israel… but of course they lied again.
Don't get you hopes up for an arms embargo. As long as Iran is threating Israel, the weapons will keep on coming.
I don’t think it’s particularly related to Iran: right after Israel began its genocidal campaign against Gaza, prior to any reaction by anyone, the USA was feeding them with all kninds of ammo, weapons and dissuassive presence. That’s why I think this is not just Israel’s genocide but the US genocide of Gaza first and foremost.
However I hoped they actually hold a grudge with Netanyahu for some reson, maybe the firing of Gallant, or that maybe they sought to cause legal troubles to the upcoming Trump administration. Seems not.
This brings to what I was listening about minutes ago: that the next stage of this war will almost certainly not be Iran vs Israel but Iran vs the USA directly, because it’s clear that Israel are just petty goons, not the real deal.
Shameless election ploy. They think you're stupid.
Hear no evil, see no evil, upchuck evil!
Unfortunately that vomit morphs into chickens that come home to roost! The sins of generations upchuck on the kids of the next and its such a shame.
Spent about 45 minutes I'll never get back watching the State press conference which someone posted to YouTube last night. Even by their standards it was disgusting, held by a younger and equally smug spokesliar who attended the MLM/Campus Crusade for Christ school of calling reporters by their first names confidently as if that gives one mystical powers, and as if that made his nonsense meaningful.
State repeated no matter how many times asked that the 30 days which they themselves picked (little doubt to kick the can beyond the elections) was not any form of hard deadline, and that the target metric State themselves set a month ago of 350 aid trucks per day (a reporter noted there had been 642 over the 30 days total) was not a metric. State says it doesn't consider any metric a metric and would not want to "waste time" at their own press conference discussing numbers or days after their own letter of 30 days earlier set targets of both time and amount. State repeated for a solid half hour after questioning by increasingly incredulous and disgusted reporters that they'd not want to "waste time" by answering any question at the press conference which State has known for a month would focus on exactly that topic.
For some time the tennis ball back and forth was that specific metrics were not important, rather the overall picture for Palestinians. When it was pointed out that all evidence pointed to worsening famine as the big picture, the spokesliar (who doesn't look to have missed any meals in recent years – he is a stout young fella, there's something extra depraved about having someone with an unhealthy BMI poo-poo famine) stated that they had signs of improving metrics. Back to not discussing what those metrics might be, with that being a "waste of time" and the point being the big picture of how State has seen encouraging signs from Israel of being God's Own Special Meal Providers.
State will not answer any question as to what their departmental lawyers think about the legality of the food blockade. That is something about which we should not speculate, piddling details like war crimes. State said they will continue to monitor Israel's promising progress, and will not answer any questions as to how the remaining 70 days of the Biden-Apocalypse Administration's would be any different from the previous 30.
You have to wonder seeing how the reporters challenge the spokesliar and comparing that with what MSM cranks out what transpires at the editorial and board and ownership levels of these outlets. I'm surprised the reporters aren't simply fired; aside from their own jobs there'd be no impact on the outside world considering what is printed in any event.
Monsters roam the Earth, and they are banal and overfed, and unfortunately have not been given reason to know fear.
thanks for the summary.
reminds one of late stage Stalinism when the Bolsheviks didn't even try to mask their contempt for ordinary Russians
How many times can the US electorate be suckered into believing US government lies?
Apparently, an infinite number…
I told you so…
Donald Trump's pro-Israel cabinet, a thread
After all the slaughter and the inhumanity of the NATO powers against Palestinians, they show no remorse and have learned nothing. What low life and evil Christian people, the neocons and Zionists are.
The ruling elite are despicable trash, Trump is up to his nose in stinking manure. A despicable man. The richer the meaner and the more beastly they are.
The starvation and lack of protein causes irreparable brain damage. How evil our politicians and their supporters are is incomprehensible to normal people. They know how evil it is, the whole world knows only the Americans claim to know of no evidence of genocide, and people voted for them? I am proud to say and I will scream from the top of the mountains, I did not vote, and I am proud of it.
"irreparable brain damage" How would be able tell?
What do you think happens when needed protein is missing in a babies diet, like milk, which is the case in malnutrition? Look it up, check it out.
Yes, lack of protein causes irreversible brain damage, a telling lifelong mental disability is the result.
There are no consequences? These are crimes that cry to heaven, and one will have to be a pretty hard core denier of any spirituality – going back to Greek Hubris and Nemesis to Christianity — to assume there will be no consequences to genocide.
There is a serious disturbance to the force. There is a deadly blow to human ecology. Crhystal balls are flashing red.,? Whatever one’s belief, the consequences are coming.
Oooops! Did we say 350 trucks per day? What we meant to say was 350 trucks total. And since they have been averaging 39 per day, that means they have more than tripled the amount we had set for them to continue receiving military assistance. So, not only will the military aid continue, but we will increase said aid since their generosity should not go unrewarded.