Israel’s airstrike on a Christian-majority village in northern Lebanon wiped out an entire family that was displaced from southern Lebanon, AFP reported on Tuesday.
The attack, which hit the village of Aitou on Monday, killed 23 people, including at least 12 women and two children. Local residents were shocked by the attack on the Christian area that’s far from the Israeli border. The owner of the building, Elie Alwan, said it was a “massacre that happened in my home.”
Alwan said he had known the family, who were Shi’ite Muslims, for 15 years. “They were a decent family,” he said. “I welcomed them as friends.” Alwan was not home when the strike hit the building, but his mother was wounded in the attack.
The UN’s human rights office is calling for an investigation into the strike, with its spokesman saying there are “real concerns with respect to … the laws of war.” Israel claimed it targeted a building owned by Hezbollah, but Alwan is not a member of Hezbollah.

Security sources told AFP that the strike was launched after a man in a car arrived at the building to visit the family, and Alwan said that he blamed “the man who came here. Why did you put us in this mess?”
There have been no claims that the man was a Hezbollah fighter, and if he was, there’s no way he could pose a threat to Israel from the northern village. There’s been speculation that the strike was primarily a revenge attack against Lebanon in general after a Sunday drone strike by Hezbollah on an Israeli military base killed four soldiers and wounded scores of others
Alwan’s brother, Sarkis, who lives next door to the bombed building, said they would no longer take in families fleeing from the south. “We are Christians, our religion teaches us tolerance. But now we have learned our lesson. We will no longer welcome anyone into the family [home],” he said.
Israeli strikes have wiped out other families who fled southern Lebanon, following a similar pattern to Gaza, where Israel frequently bombs areas it has deemed so-called “safe zones.” An Israeli strike on central Beirut last week killed a family of eight, including three children, who fled from the south.
“We are Christians, our religion teaches us tolerance. But now we have learned our lesson. We will no longer welcome anyone into the family [home],” he said.
And the lesson for us (in case we were asleep the last year) is that Zionists are the enemies of humanity. Enemies of humanity who own the American federal government.
Zionists are one sub-sub-group of one particular enemy of humanity (there are others). The sub-group they’re a sub-group of is “ethno-nationalists.” The main group is “nationalists.”
The main group is imperialists.
Yes, however this particular group of ethno-nationalists has the federal government of my nation, the US, serving them instead of the American people. There are plenty of atrocities around the world, however this one is aided and abetted by traitors in DC, making it particularly infuriating for any US citizen with a shred of decency (and even for those without who dislike their elected representatives serving a foreign power.)
The next government that serves “the people” will be the first government to do so. All governments always serve a ruling class. For various historical/political/financial reasons, the current US ruling class considers itself beholden to Zionist ethno-nationalists. When that changes, they’ll be beholden to some other interest.
whats wrong with nationalism
Authoritarian death cults run by overgrown street gangs are bad.
I know
“We are Christians, our religion teaches us tolerance. But now we have learned our lesson. We will no longer welcome anyone into the family [home],” he said.
And the lesson for us (in case we were asleep the last year) is that Zionists are the enemies of humanity. Enemies of humanity who own the American federal government.
Israel has lost any sense of balance, overall.
The arrogance and ego have contributed to the continued onslaught.
Remember what their Prime Minister Golda Meir, Israel's first female Prime Minister, is famous for saying, “There was no such thing as Palestinians”.
I always found that odd, since Meir moved from the US to Palestine in 1921, when “Palestinian” still mean “Jew born in Palestine.”
I always found that odd, since Meir moved from the US to Palestine in 1921, when “Palestinian” still mean “Jew born in Palestine.”
It was just the usual rhetoric.
It’s nice to know that Israel is rewarded at every turn for doing the worst acts against any human, while engaged in a Holocaust.
There’s been speculation that the strike was primarily a revenge attack against Lebanon in general after a Sunday drone strike by Hezbollah on an Israeli military base killed four soldiers and wounded scores of others.
Speculation my ass. These sick fuckers flat ass enjoy killing. It's obvious by now.
Tonight is the start of Sukkot, a time to celebrate community and get to know our neighbors. Since ancient times, we’ve gathered in the sukkah — a place of shelter where resources are shared.
What if we expected our country to be like a sukkah? Open, welcoming, generous. A sukkat shalom, a sukkah of wholeness and safety.
What does USA Evangelical Christians think about this?
US evangelical Christians are a broad and diverse group. All they have in common is believing that whatever versions of Christianity they practice should be proactively promoted (“evangelized”).
Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur literally means the "Day of Atonement". The holiday is just a few days after the Jewish new year. Although differences are noticeable within each branch of Judaism, the underlying principles involved in Yom Kippur are the same. Yom Kippur is a time for individuals to atone for their sins of the past year.
Evening of Fri, Oct 11, 2024 – Sat, Oct 12, 2024