Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Monday that Moscow must keep in mind that American-made F-16 fighter jets are capable of carrying nuclear weapons.
The Russian diplomat made the comments when warning how the US and NATO are escalating their role in the conflict in Ukraine. President Biden recently signed off on European countries delivering US-made F-16s to Ukraine, although it’s not yet clear how many Kyiv will receive or when they will be delivered.
“Anything can be expected from the leaders of the US and other Western countries. They are already proving this when, following advanced long-range weapons and tanks, they are now seriously preparing F-16s,” Lavrov said during a visit to a Russian military base in Tajikistan.
“We must keep in mind that one of the modifications of the F-16 has the capability to deliver nuclear weapons,” Lavrov added.
F-16s are capable of carrying B61 nuclear gravity bombs, which the US stores in several European countries. Under NATO’s nuclear sharing program, there are US B61 nuclear bombs deployed in Italy, Germany, Turkey, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
When Russian President Vladimir Putin announced he was sending nuclear weapons to Belarus, he compared the move to NATO’s nuclear sharing program. He also said the deployment was in response to the UK providing Ukraine with depleted uranium ammunition.
The American people should be listening . To Putin andbthe Russians instead of Biden and his moronic followers.Our lives depend on it.
Once they are shot down or hit on the ground, problem solved.
It’s not like there is a replacement agreement that comes along with those jets.
That’s Ukraine’s biggest issue, their finite supply dependant on politicians in the west to continue the supply and how much they have to work with.
Sanctions are not hampering Russia to the extent we were told they would and their factories are still churning out goods.
Is it a problem that Ukraine will get F-16 fighters to defend itself from the Putin Empire? Oh I know, you are pro Putin,
The Russian MOD will soon claim those F-16s have already been shot down.
“Sanctions are not hampering Russia to the extent we were told they would and their factories are still churning out goods.”
You may want to do another research on this that does not include Russian sources. According to Russia, they are doing great but according to external experts, they are hurting VERY BAD.
The latest 11th round of sactions were to go after 3rd party nations but China’s name was removed.
Why are they on the 11th round of sanctions if the prior 10 times worked so well?
Russia’s factories are still churning out tanks and planes.
How many is Ukraine building?
How much of their arms depend on other’s kindness? 90%? 95%?
Russia won’t have to “claim” if those F-16s ever show up. They are going to be 4th generation, not what our pilots fly.
Russia’s factories are “still churning out tanks and planes” but they are using T-55s in their attacks. What are they using their “new” tanks for? Are they waiting for the Victoria Nuland Brigade to attack Moscow?
Why not burn up the old stuff?
It’s not like they need to use their new stuff nor the millions of warm bodies they have available to fight Nazis.
How’s that offensive doing?
Any big breakouts yet?
Are your Nazis still holding?
What offensive? The Russian failed one or the Ukrainian one that hasn’t started yet?
“Burn up the old stuff” seems like exactly what the incompetent Russian military is doing; but when their top-of-the-line units are wiped out making frontal assaults with no armor, I have to think they just don’t have the armor or air assets available. Perhaps I’m wrong. Perhaps we’ll see the Armatas go head-to-head with Leopard 2s and Challengers (if they can keep the Armatas running!).
The west claims they are fighting to a rough equality of causulties.
Who has the bigger army?
Who has old tanks that they can get out of mothballs?
Who has factories still producing?
It certainly is not Ukraine who depends on fickle politicians to keep them supplied.
As supporters of Russia love to point out, it’s not just Ukraine that the Russians are up against. They are up against an array of regimes with combined industrial capacity many times their own.
So much larger that keeping Ukraine supplied at the same level Russia can supply itself might mean as much as one less Big Mac Value Meal a month to the average American, versus Meatless Monday and Tuesday every week to the average Russian. Who do you think will get really tired of it all first?
Yes, the Ukrainian soldier depends on a bunch of fickle politicians to keep him supplied. As does the Russian soldier.
Sure that western might last as long as the politicians have backbones.
I just can not see the coalition holding through another winter of “just wait for our Spring offensive” if this one does not show true gains.
Maybe they will but cracks are showing and I’m pretty sure a 12th round of sanctions won’t cripple Russia anymore than the others.
It’s rather is just more disruptions that will be resolved by closer economic ties to others like China and India.
Did not Horton just share on the Judge’s show that just the dollar amounts are not as crippling to Russia as we seem to believe. He shared they’ve spent $70B or so, whereas we’ve spent much more than we admit to (with it really being 5x’s more;-).
Add that low(er) amount to his further postulations about available manpower each side has and I really don’t believe Ukraine has another Winter of support in our politicians to repeat a offensive next year unless it actually accomplishes real gains this time.
That’s the thing: Politicians, especially American politicians, don’t have backbones. They do what their lobbyist masters tell them to do, and the fat cat 1% of the lobbyist masters caucus is the “defense” industry.
Which explains why the US has been in Germany and Japan since 1945 and in South Korea since 1950. You think a single year without a Ukrainian Cannae will suddenly cause them to grow those missing backbones and close the US checkbook?
I don’t see them keeping it open as Europe shuts theirs.
The Brits will be the last ones to do so but Macron will do the French thing while likely bringing Germany along.
This site shared about Spain a few days ago. I managed in college to do a international marketing study on that country (the initial one where you study demographics and figure out where/how you initially enter a market when they don’t really want you because all the concerns one hears in the US about that pesky free trade with the twist of a different culture; interesting as heck with a professor who used to do them, in country, until she had a kid) and they too are getting recalcitrant as they invite China in to try to save their Green industry that appears to be as screwed up now as it was when I was in college years ago
Their Basque history makes them a little more welcoming to Russia for instance. They “supported” the freedom fighters/terrorists (descriptions differ;-) after all.
Their colonial history has them with a want not to part of the other colonial power’s (Britain) wants/ desires too.
Hungary is another one that is wavering to the point of getting Ukraine upset at them as shared here too.
Perhaps a not so “good” summer of fighting won’t cause a questioning of continued support but I can’t see the US and the Brits keeping it going with the other players appearing to be looking for exists.
The bigger army doesn’t matter. The rest can be answered with:
1) the US/NATO
2) the US/ NATO
So far, Ukraine has their support. It should allow enough time to roll back the Russians.
So far…..
What happens if this Summer’s fighting turns out like those leaks (and others) share?
Will it make it through another winter of promises that it will work better next year?
A election year in the US?
You have way more faith in politicians than I do.
We’ll, no political change can occur in the US until a at least January of 2025, so, yeah, I’m confident Russia will be on the ropes before then.
“no political change can occur in the US until a at least January of 2025”
Also, the Third Reich was going to last a thousand years.
So you believe Joe will make it through election time or perhaps is it you believe Harris will continue it?
Uncle Joe will be fine. Is your Orange savior going to make it through the trial? (Sorry, trials?)
The left’s fascism in regards to the justice system won’t work.
This is not a 3rd world nation where political opponents are thrown into jail.
I know the left so wants to enact the fascism they were so enamored with in the early ’30’s but it won’t happen.
In fact, despite the oldtime Democrat Jim Crow they keep trying to invoke on Harris, she would be a much harder candidate to beat than Joe would be, but that is if she is “allowed” to be the candidate when he falters.
We’ll, it looks like Trump might be indicted again soon so we’ll have to see how it goes.
Fascism in the justice system? Wasn’t it your bunch who was shouting, “Lock her up. Lock her up”? The right-wing are the fascistm lovers.
Biden was so hard to beat, he kicked the snot out of President McCheese in 2020!
You do realize your views of the guy were formed by the same folks who lied about Russia?
Honestly I do not want to get into a spitting contest that other sites always do, so why don’t you head over to Breitbart or Gateway Pundit and find someone there to play with?
Nobody lied about Trump/Russia. He collided with them and it’s on recorded. He’ll pay for his crimes, I’m sure. Hopefully sooner than later.
You go back inside your bubble at Breitbart and Gateway Pundit — along with RT. I’m sure you’ll find some Copium there.
Almost everyone lied about Russia.
I know.
Heck even Russians lie about Russia.
But then history is always in some ways a personal reflection of the historian that somewhat resembles what went on.
Sanctions don’t work over night and you should ask the Oligarchs and ordinary Russians. They are the ones feeling it. The Kremlin takes from the people so life for them is business as usual. They may pretend sanctions aren’t working but then why do they complain so much about it and why is the lifting of sanctions key part of any of their negotiations.
Russia’s factories are barely keeping up with the demand, that’s why they are deploying museum tanks and other weapon systems.
But if you watch RT news and TASS, everything with the SMO is goin GREAT.
Lastly, F-16 won’t be flying missions over Russia nor conducting dog fights. Stand off ordnance will do the work.
Why did the first 10 not work?
You got that wrong, they are working, just not overnight.
Just not “overnight”?
So even you admit we are still waiting for the effects to manifest themselves.
So does that not mean the factories are still producing while we wait for the effects of 11 different rounds of sanctions to work?
Come-on Donny, even for you that is a reach.
The effects of the sanctions on Russia will be felt long after the war is over. Russia will have at least 10 years to come close to any form of normal.
Stop talking about the factories, they are low on ammo and other weapons systems and cannot satisfy the demand.
You talk like Russian troops are well fed, trained and equipped. They are not. They are now getting museum items to fight the war. Russian troops are running away in many fronts, surrendering in masses and even surrendering to tiny drones. Zero moral left in those soldiers.
Where are the invincible Armada tanks and SU-57? Nowhere, they cannot even use them cause they don’t work just like the overly hyped Hypersonic missiles.
Correct! Perhaps those in doubt should “do your own research” on the AIM-120.
“When Russian President Vladimir Putin announced he was sending nuclear weapons to Belarus, he compared the move to NATO’s nuclear sharing program.”
Makes sense to me. Why should anyone have a problem with that? Same if the Warsaw Pact had extended to US borders. No problem, right?
Yes, Mr. Lavrov, any plane can be configured to deliver nuclear weapons and so Artillery systems. A person with a backpack can deliver a nuke as well.
EDIT: Moderator Thomas once addressed this topic.
It would be a.tragedy if the US and half the world got wiped out in a futile attempt to stop the demise of a sick corrupt,decadent Empire whose time has come to an end.
Julio, here is your back-pack right here =
“Ukes planned terror attack with backpack nuke weapons”
“According to the Russian security service, the Ukrainian military intelligence service was planning a terrorist attack in Russia with a so-called “dirty bomb”, reports Sputnik . This is a weapon that combines radioactive material with conventional explosives. The aim is to radioactively contaminate the surrounding area.”
Great source, same guys who told Putin they would take Kyiv in 3 days.
So can Mig 29s
Yes, I think Russia doesn’t make a secret of its nuclear capability
How many aircraft runways does Ukraine have? Delivery of F-16s to Ukraine can happen but how long will they last on the tarmac afterwards?
Indeed, I think this is why the West has been hesitant so far. I don’t think aircraft will be very useful, unless they’re flying into battle from foreign airfields, which would expand the war hugely.