Venezuela’s opposition on Friday voted to remove Juan Guaido as the “interim president” and to dissolve the US-backed “interim government,” a move that came after resuming talks with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.
Guaido declared himself as the interim president of Venezuela in 2019 after not recognizing the result of the 2018 election, and he received full backing from the US. The Trump administration supported a failed coup attempt against Maduro, and what little support Guaido had in Venezuela declined over the years.
The interim government in Venezuela never had any real power inside the country, but it was granted control of some offshore Venezuelan assets and embassies by the US and its Western allies that recognized Guaido. The opposition’s decision to dissolve the interim government came after they restarted talks with Maduro in November.
As a result of the renewed talks, the US has granted Chevron a limited license to restart pumping oil in Venezuela, in a slight easing of the crippling economic sanctions imposed by the Trump administration as part of its failed regime change effort.
The deal will also release $3 billion in Venezuelan funds that were frozen by US and European banks. Under the deal, the funds will go toward humanitarian and economic development projects. After dissolving the interim government, Venezuela’s opposition established a new commission to oversee the Venezuelan assets that they still control.
We take with one hand and give with the other…Pretty slick US of A…
What a fool we have made of ourselves by recognizing as “president” of Venezuela that their own exiled political faction won’t even recognize now as leader. We are the laughing stock of the international community but we are too worked up in our Emperor’s hegemony clothes to see it.
Can we please stop trying to overthrow leaders around the world and and stop interfering in other countries’ business?
You don’t know anything about the criminal activities carried out by the socialist rulers in Venezuela, including ignoring parliament, which means it’s a dictatorship. Antiwar won’t write that because nuances hurts the heads of the knuckle draggers. Libertarianism easily falls into “US bad therefore anything it opposes is good,” so you can’t mention mass killings of millions in North Korea, illegally ignoring a senate or parliament, the “president” in Nicaragua abolishing real elections as he’ll be prosecuted for mass murder as soon as he loses his presidential immunity, or the Libyan dictator kidnapping and rahping hundreds of girls before leaving them beaten bloody in ditches, or dead. No, nuance is bad. So then we get comments like “what fools we are to oppose Venezuela’s government!”
Gaddafi didn’t do that afaik
Jon Met is a fool. He spews fevered propaganda while accusing this site of lacking nuance.
Just look at the standard of living in Libya before and after Gaddafi. Says it all.
Gaddaffi was going to bring in a Banking system based on a gold standard for Africa , this was the reason for the invasion , he also had billions in Euros , the priorities for the US Military was the banks and oil fields , all the Euros where changed into dollars , and all the gold went back to the US , as did all the Nazi loot of WW2 .
Sounds like a brother of Q to me.
Antiwar means anti war, nothing less and nothing else. Libertarian nonintervention means you allow other countries to sort their own internal affairs out for themselves, just like we wouldn’t want foreigners to interfere with our affairs.
Both of these positions lead to better, freer, and more prosperous lives for all of us.
Nothing nuanced about your rabid rant.
You have quite a feverish imagination.
You even throw in some false rape accusations.
How many people has America “Killed & Starved” with Bombs, Drones, Sanctions, Money seizing etc., in poor defenseless 3rd World Countries? From Vietnam, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan etc.,,,,,!
33 countries invaded by the US military since the end of WW2 to the present day with no end in sight .
They will never stop because of the money to be made .
“after not recognizing the result of the 2018 election”
Wow, sounds totally illegal! Let’s not mention that the “president” ruled illegally, simply ignoring the elected parliament. He illegally filled the top courts with his own people. He erected a “citizen council” with “representatives from society” to rubber stamp his decisions, as an excuse for ignoring parliament.
Imagine a U.S. president ignoring all decisions in Congress and illegally appointing judges to the courts, including the Supreme Court. An armed overthrow of this dictator would be justified.
Aside from that the rulers, first Chavez and now the clown Maduro, simply ban popular politicians from running for office. They put their party members at voting stations to intimidate the voters and control the outcome. They use the government as their own propaganda machine at all levels.
They started off by simply stealing businesses and mansions for themselves, in typical Marxist style. They set price controls, which is the quickest way of destroying an economy as the regular ups and downs in prices, leading to changes in production, can’t occur, and neither can an ordinary level of production.
It’s no wonder the productive, business-building class has left Venezuela, and they are not coming back. The country will be a basked case for decades.
Uh, u also failed to mention the coup launched against Chavez by then opposition, who were directly backed by administration of Dumbo bush. Chavez was legitimately and democratically elected president at that time. I won’t talk about Maduro as he is just a corrupt thug but he is inherently better than Guido, who upon gaining control put people in charge testified in courts in support of handing over its assets to foreign companies.
About Chavez banning opposition figures, no civilized country should let people who conspire with foreign power to topple democratically elected governments.
How is any of that the business of the US?
International observers consistently called the elections free and fair, liar.
u.s. sanctions responsible for Venezuelas’ downfall. Anyone but a u.s. dictator.
The business of Venezuela is the business of the Venezuelan people , not the business of the USA or any other mother F , if they won`t to make a dogs dinner of so be it ,
Mustache Bolton for all practical purposes admitted Guaido was his creation.
Bolton is Guaido’s god.
Guaido looks as if he could be Ehud Barack Obama’s 1/2 brother. He acts like Obama, Biden and Trump. They illegitimately recognized him as their leader. George Warmonger Bush and Tony Blair Witch Project would have done the same thing.
I guess this was the carrot to Biden Exxon oil grovel.
wait, how much oil has Venezuela been sitting on all this time ?
oh, a metric shit-load, that’s how much.
probably uncle sam should relieve the poor venezuelan people from their evil leadership.