On Monday, Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi told the UN’s Conference on Disarmament in Geneva that Israel’s nuclear weapons pose a “grave threat” to the world.
Israel is estimated to have somewhere between 90 and 300 nuclear weapons, and its nuclear arsenal gets very little attention since both the US and Israel do not acknowledge its existence. Israel is not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), meaning its nuclear weapons program is not subject to inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Araghchi called for the world to put pressure on Israel over its secret nuclear weapons program. “The international community must hold this regime accountable, and demand that it renounce the possession of nuclear weapons, accede to the NPT as a non-nuclear-weapon party, and subject all its nuclear facilities and activities to the comprehensive IAEA Safeguards,” he said.
Aragchi also condemned threats from Israeli officials related to Israel’s nuclear weapons. In November 2023, former Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, who recently resigned over the Gaza ceasefire deal, said dropping a nuke on Gaza was an option for Israel. “We categorically condemn this illegitimate, illegal, and irresponsible action and position,” Aragchi said.
Last year, Avigdor Liberman, a member of the Israeli Knesset and leader of the Avigdor Liberman, said Israel may have to stop Iran’s nuclear program with “non-conventional” means, a veiled reference to Israel’s nuclear weapons.
“It is not possible anymore to stop the Iranian nuclear program with conventional means,” Liberman said. “And we will have to use all the means that are available to us. We will have to stop with the deliberate policy of ambiguity, and it needs to be clear what is at stake here.”
While Israeli and US officials are constantly hyping up the threat of Iran developing nuclear weapons, there’s no evidence Tehran has decided to build a nuclear bomb, a fact recently acknowledged by the CIA. Unlike Israel, Iran is a signatory to the NPT and is subject to IAEA inspections.
No, Israel nukes are a threat to Iran or any other country who tries to wipe out Israel. Israel is small and can not survived an attack by a big country. But Israel can and will make that country pay a heavy price.
Endless excuses for mass murder.
Yes killing your enemies who attack you is technically murder. Name a nation that would not murder their enemies if they were attacked.
Israel endlessly attacks neighbors for any reason. When those neighbors respond in kind, Israel is justified in doing anything, because self defense. Of course, only Israel has the right to self defense.
On top of all that, the US pays the bills. Such a deal!
Israel only attacks neighbors that attack them. Israel, Egypt and Jordon have make peace with each other and thus Israel does not attack them..
Menachem Begin on Nassar, and who started the Six Day War:
“We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.”
No, Egypt and Jordan accepted bribes from the US to play nice with Israel. Notice how Trump threatened to cut them off if they wouldn't accept Palestinian refugees.
You're right. Technically, it isn't murder. Collective punishment is a more accurate description. And that's being generous.
"Israel is small and can not survive an attack by a big country." You mean, like Ukraine?
Exactly the same as Ukraine.
Ukraine could never win against Russia.
It goal was to make it into a war of attrition and hope the west will pull its weight to stop the Russian invasion.
Aside from using Ukraine as a weapons test site, western support was mostly absent.
Now with Trumps and Putin on the same side (along with North Korea, China, Iran and even Israel as of yesterday), Ukraine will lose every territory desired by Russia and the war will end until the next Russian "limited operation".
Israel would not exist without the U$A.
If Ukraine had the same support the U.S. provides to Israel, Ukraine most certainly would win against Russia.
But now, with Trump violating international law to aid Israel and Russia, it makes America a global pariah state.
The Ukraine Support Tracker lists and quantifies military, financial and humanitarian support by governments to Ukraine since February 2022. It covers 41 countries, specifically the EU member states, other members of the G7, as well as Australia, South Korea, Turkiye, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, China, Taiwan, India, and Iceland. The database is intended to support a facts-based discussion about support to Ukraine. https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/
Israel would not exist without the U$A.
If Ukraine had the same support the U.S. provides to Israel, Ukraine most certainly would win against Russia.
I believe there are over 6,000 reasons why that isn't true.
Indeed. The idea of Ukraine beating the Russian Federation (Hells, lasting more'n six months) WITHOUT nautical ass-tons of US / NATO support, is and always was laughable.
To those who think otherwise, I challenge them to describe in detail how, if the USA never sent one dollar, one weapon, one hint of promise of backup to Taiwan after 2025, how Taiwan would last 3+ years against the DPRC in a hypothetical 2026 invasion – when China has the exact same proximity advantage, escalation advantage, nuclear advantage, and military dominance over the island as the RF had over Ukraine without NATO.
Tell you what – that what remains of Ukraine after this war ends deals with its neo-Nazi problem, refrains from murder and racism against ethnic Russian Ukrainians, and doesn't invite NATO onto another of the Russian Federation's doorsteps, then you'll never see another Russian Federation special / R2P operation in Ukraine ever again.
I would not bet on that.
Ukraine land mass is 27 times bigger than Israel.
And with far more natural resources.
Unfortunately, Israel's nukes are no longer a safeguard of survival, but rather those nukes have provided Israel the attitude that it can not only threaten, but actually preemptively attack all its neighbors with impunity. Hell-Israeli officials have even threatened to nuke Gaza!—which certainly does not pose an existential threat.
This is an unavoidable outcome of one group having nukes…If Israel does not eliminate its nukes, then other nations have the incentive and even the justification to develop them for themselves.
US and Israel want the permanent ability to safely attack all nations with their conventional weapon superiority. One demonstrated nuke by a potential adversary and all that spending US did (on its own and Israel's behalf ) for weapons is lost.
Unfortunately, MAD is required to constrain military madness.
Does that work both ways? Should small countries who can't survive Israel's conventional weapons supplied by the superpower be able to possess nukles so they can make Israel pay a heavy price?
It would work both ways if the smaller countries could obtain nuclear weapons. Not easy to do.
Israel is the biggest terrorist nation on the planet. They have become none human.
This Hero to humanity was just a few blocks away from us in 2010 in Jerusalem but we were not allowed to see him…
Israel ranks as "most likely to use nuclear weapons" and "most often threatens to use them." Their only rival in that is North Korea.
They threaten humanity.
If they want to use them on Gazans… they would threaten their own humanity…!
Israel does not need nukes to destroy Gaza.
Any use of nuclear weapons threatens all of humanity. Once that is unleashed, it is only too likely to keep going. That has always been a truism of "limited use" ideas. In this case, somebody would almost certainly nuke Israel, and there are several candidates.
Putin has threatens to use nuclear weapons much more that Israel has ever done.
Israel is led by actual genocidal maniacs.
And no, Putin has never threatened to use nuclear weapons, that is pure propaganda, much like the lies that Israel really does not have nuclear weapons.
Next fool to send up a nuclear missile against anyone else gets to go down in history as one of humanity's most evil men (or women).
World leaders gonna have to take note of that!
Putin will be likely be the next fool.
Aragchi also condemned threats from Israeli officials related to Israel’s nuclear weapons. In November 2023, former Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, who recently resigned over the Gaza ceasefire deal, said dropping a nuke on Gaza was an option for Israel.
… And why, with its impunity from US, Israel has not yet use nuke on Gaza?
Besides destroying the Southern Israel along the way… Losing its nuclear deterrence and its ambiguity come to mind…!
The NPT is a joke. The USA and Russia are its biggest violators. I don't understand why Iran doesn't just drop out of the NPT and announce that it has nukes. North Korea did that and the USA stopped threatening its destruction. If Iran has nukes, Israel will stop threatening war.