The Trump administration has frozen funding to the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US-funded organization that meddles in elections and pushes regime change around the world in the name of “promoting democracy.”
According to The Free Press, an order from Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) to the US Treasury Department that blocked the disbursement of funds to the NED has crippled the organization’s activities.
“It’s been a bloodbath,” an NED staffer told the FP. “We have not been able to meet payroll and pay basic overhead expenses.”
The NED, which was founded during the Cold War in 1983, received $315 million from the US government for the 2025 fiscal year, according to the report.
In 1991, Allen Weinstein, a co-founder of NED, acknowledged to The Washington Post that a lot of what the organization did was done “covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”
Washington Post columnist David Ignatius listed some examples of the NED’s “overt” action that was previously done by the CIA, including “providing money and moral support for pro-democracy groups, training resistance fighters, working to subvert communist rule.”
The NED has been targeted by Musk, who asked his followers in a recent post on X to list “all the evil things that NED has done.” Jim Bovard, a senior fellow at the Libertarian Institute, replied with an article about how he has been critical of the organization for 40 years.
In a 2009 article for the Future Freedom Foundation, Bovard said the NED is “based on the notion that its meddling in foreign elections is automatically pro-democracy because the US government is the incarnation of democracy. NED has always operated on the principle that ‘what’s good for the US government is good for democracy.'”
In a 2006 piece for The American Conservative, Bovard detailed NED’s efforts to push for regime change in Latin America. “In 2001, NED quadrupled its aid to Venezuelan opponents of elected president Hugo Chavez, and NED heavily funded some organizations involved in a bloody military coup that temporarily removed Chavez from power in April 2002. After Chavez retook control, NED and the State Department responded by pouring even more money into groups seeking his ouster,” he wrote.
Bovard continued, “The International Republican Institute, one of the largest NED grant recipients, played a key role both in the Chavez coup and also in the overthrow of Haiti’s elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. In February 2004, an array of NED-aided groups and individuals helped spur an uprising that left 100 people dead and toppled Aristide.”
As with USAID, no decent person will miss them.
Under the state department, Trump will probably just directly bribe and cajole with the money. Or pay for assassinations. ??
But he's also making himself a lot of enemies amongst people who do know how to assassinate a president.
Although people like to claim Trump as an outsider, Musk is literally deeply embedded in the security state. We are simply looking at opposing factions of deep state.
Musk has huge govt contracts (through the Biden administration as well). His products have been used in target acquisition in Gaza as well as Ukraine. They have also been used for mass surveillance. He and Thiel, among others, are seeking a panopticon of a digital id system. It sucks up everything: social security numbers, medical treatments, social activity, purchases and on and on.
As it is, now, X uses Israeli spyware to verify accounts there.
Short documentary on the digital id, that was piloted in Ukraine through USAID:
Dan Cohen & @dancohen3000
One of USAID's most demonic projects is to use Ukraine as a laboratory for the DIIA digital ID program, which is being implemented around the globe. Watch my mini-documentary from 2023 on the USAID/Zelensky digital dictatorship. (Video)
I think that is why they are going through every agency and element of government to hoover as much data as possible now, aside from cutting spending.
Greg Reese @gregreese • Follow
It couldn't be more clear to me. The digital Al system is being installed, the old system is being liquidated. Politics is theater to calmly steer the herd.
9:23 AM • Feb 9, 2025
Good luck to them!
I don’t know: there are plenty of spy agencies still operative in the USA and hanging from them.
He recently made a decree that going forward, it’s fine to bribe leaders of countries.
Some do say: Monet talks and bs walks…
The painter? Lol
I know, typo.
I thought that too.
The House wants to increase "defense" spending by 100 billion. So all the money saved from the other corrupt agencies will be funneled into the Pentagon. And people think that they are going to see some of that money.
Excellent. Now about all those supposedly "non-governmental" organizations receiving US funding for nefarious work…
Defund the National Endowment for Democracy. Then drive a stake into it's heart and bury it deep. Else it will return to create more havoc and mayhem.
It will return under a new name and will be dedicated to supporting the far right and fascism.
Let's see the CIA cut-outs surface here protest this wise decision.
The National Endowment for Democracy NED is not an educational organization, and it does not support democracy.
It does however foster the overthrow of governments worldwide.
Nah. The "Rules Based Order".
Rule #1: "Democracy" is whatever the Empire says it is.
Rule #2: Canceling Elections, banning media organizations, suppression of free speech, censorship, imprisonment of opposition political opponents, banning political parties, overthrow of elected governments, assassinations… all that is democracy. (see rule #1).
Rule #3: Approved unelected dictators are really defending "democracy". (see rule # 1).
Rule # 4. If anyone disagrees…. they are, ipso facto, wrong. (see rule #1).
…. Get it? So…. stop being anti-democracy!!!!
Holy crap, Dave. You should’ve added your tweet to the story. Headed by a demon, good riddance. Does Nuland still have security clearance?
Dave DeCamp & @DecampDave
All you need to know to support defunding the NED
Published on September 13, 2024 by
Communications Staff
Washington, D.C.-
Veteran U.S. diplomat
Ambassador Victoria
Nuland is joining the National Endowment for
Democracy (NED) Board of Directors effective immediately.
Ambassador Nuland previously served on the
NED Board of Directors from 2018 to 2021.
before her appointment as Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs at the State Department.
Nudelfrau is overrated, I think. She floats thanks to the power of the US State.
Those who would oppose her look through her moves and know how to deal with them, but do not have the power to do so.
She’s evil personified.
YES! YES! YES! This is almost as welcome as the USAID defunding but perhaps even more significant from the regime-change/color-revolution perspective. Full props to the Trump administration for this!
“I met a man, from Africa, he came to call my name… He told me there were diamond mines and there that I should go… The streets were paved with gold!…” djv
Hugo was a bare-foot country boy who joined the military to play baseball. He took the standard test and was offered a chance to go to college, qhich he did. He went on from there to become one of the world's historic inventors when he developed a new seven facet form of democracy and a tamper proof ballot. US oligarchs fear real democracy and tried to stop Venezuela from advancing. I post a diagram of seven facet democracy at
Hugo was a cruel authoritarian who supressed dissent and free journalism ,stole property from foreign companies, had goon squads, ran his country into the ground and persecuted his countries Jewish citizens.
Chavez was the peoples' champion. They rose up en masse to defend him from W's coup.
You're a supporter of fascist war criminals, and a very dumb one at at that. You support Zionist goon squads, Land theft by Zionists and the persecution of Palestinians.
You are a filthy hypocrite.!
I am antiwar and therefore support closing NED and USAID.
Don't be a rube.
The NED will be reformulated, with a different name. It;s mission will be to promote the far right and fascsim.
Vance is already making speeches in support of the far right in Europe.
Far right is not automatically 100% wrong.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
So you think Federal support for the far right is okay?
I don’t.
I oppose Trump’s plutocratic, anti-Constitutional authoritarianism.
I admit conflicting positions as an antiwar person; The current Trump stance for peace in Ukraine and genocide in Palestine raises many questions. Then there's Trump;s war against Earth via denial of climate and pollution issues.
President Trump is correct in one of three of these issues… 33%
Add in reasons for Latin American migration and character smears of Latin American migrants and the percentage drops even further.
My position is relief of pressure on Russia will help BRICS+ lead the US away from neoliberal totalitarianism and toward real democracy.
Here’s an example to prove your point:
In an interview with host Tucker Carlson, Republican Congressman Thomas Massie says every Republican member of Congress has an “AIPAC babysitter.
That was right(eous) };-)>
That doesn't mean people shouldn't support its closing.
It’s not nearly that simple.
Why do you think Trump opposes the deep state? Because its undemocratic or because its an obstacle to dictatorial power?
Sure, it is. The closing of anything that supports regime change should be supported. The NED is as misnamed as badly as the Patriot Act. And whatever Trump's motives are doesn't change that.
So you’re doubling down on your over-simplification.
Trump’s motives are crucial. Ignoring them is idiocy.
You are focusing on one easy to see aspect and ignoring the rest of the picture.
I oppose Trump’s efforts to establish a dictatorship.
I oppose Trump. Period. And I don't give a rat's ass about his motives, they don't matter. Getting rid of anything that supports regime change is a good thing no matter if a piece of shit does it or a man of principle does it.
We fundamentally disagree about the importance of Trump’s motives in shuttering the NED.
Oversimplification clouds understanding.
Who will stop Trump’s march to dictatorship? The shuttering of NED is part of Trump’s plan to eviscerate all possible sources of opposition. Not acknowledging that dynamic is naïvety.
I think we fundamentally disagree about Trump's ability to be able to ever become a dictator. I don't know who the deep state is, but they won't miss.
Take a look in the mirror.
fq yourself.
I guess we ought to cry rivers over this one.
"For evil to succeed, good people must do nothing,"
Shed no tears for these covert CIA proxies. The only way to stop the regime change wars is to starve the beast.
Trump will feed a far worse baest.
Mark my words.
DOGE is sharpening the tools of US Empire – not dismantling them
DOGE is sharpening the tools of US Empire – not dismantling them
It's a suspension not outright cut…! If continues, credit to Trump…! You're there Prisoner…!
I am given pause to wonder… If The Donald is a serial slasher?!… Quiz time!
Is this an:
a) oxymoron
b) catch-22
c) paradox
d) antinomy
e) Universe 25
f)none of the above
g)all of the above
The NED is a key player in the Ukraine disaster.
Watch: NED’s Solidarity with Ukrainian Partners
Published on February 22, 2023 by Communications
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has supported civil society activists, journalists, and human rights defenders in Ukraine since 1989.
I expect no more paid trolls by NED to post here.
Nice Description Dave…!
How about Musk and Trump going after the CIA's drug trade in South and Central America? Lot's of money and lives to be saved there.
But of course I am dreaming. The CIA loves the guy who wants to buy and rule the world.
The NED will be reformulated, with a different name. It;s mission will be to promote the far right and fascsim.
MAGATs don't need no stinking democracy.
“As a man thinketh, therefore he is…”
“Make America great again… Make America rich again!”
The Donald